항공권 가격비교사이트3 major flight comparison sites (Skyscanner / Kayak / Google Flight)
When is the cheapest time to book a ticket?
Are there any tickets left for Chuseok this year?
I have a lot of time, but I want to go cheaply. Are there cheap airline tickets?
It will be a concern for many people.
However, if you search for cheap airline tickets / New Year’s Day tickets / holiday tickets in the search box,
Strange advertisements will greet you.
[Information that makes money is never known to others]
You may have heard of it.
With a few searches and an investment of time, you can find cheaper airline tickets.
Now, let’s get to the main topic and search for airline tickets directly.
3 major airline ticket comparison sites
Skyscanner : www.skyscanner.co.kr
Kayak : www.kayak.co.kr
Google Flights: google.com/flights
1. SkyScanner
It is the best flight search site when you have decided on the departure country but not the date.
If you take a destination, select a whole month, and select a departure date, it shows the cheapest air ticket price.
2. Kayak
It boasts powerful search power when searching for multi-city tickets (tickets with different in-out).
However, Korean low-cost airlines (Jin Air, Jeju Air, T’way, Eastar Jet, Air Busan, Air Seoul, etc.) are difficult to search.
Kayak is especially well known as kayak new ball or one way new ball.
Airlines in each country are frantic to attract transit passengers.
It provides airline tickets at a lower price to foreigners in other countries than it offers to its own citizens.
Therefore, Incheon-London Korean Air round-trip ticket
Like Tokyo-London-Tokyo or Hong Kong-London-Hong Kong
Korean Air round-trip tickets from neighboring countries are much cheaper.
In this case, if you issue a one-way ticket between Incheon-Japan / Hong Kong-Incheon with a low-cost airline,
You can plan 3 trips at once for a low price.
▲ Kayak Explorer
Link: www.kayak.com/explore
One of the funniest sites on kayak.
When you haven’t decided on your overseas travel destination yet,
Select your departure airport and it will show you the cheapest tickets for all countries/cities from that airport.
When bored, this site is recommended for those who plan to travel abroad someday.
3. Google Flights
▲ It is a flight comparison site that does not seem to have much difference from Skyscanner / Kayak.
However, you often see error pay or special price tickets that are not visible on Skyscanner / Kayak.
Aeromexico’s error pay crisis that happened a while ago (Incheon-Lima round trip 500,000 won) was also viewed on Google Flight.
If you decide to travel abroad and search for airline tickets
I hope you search the same on all three sites: Skyscanner/Kayak/Google Flight.
Even for the same flight/time/destination, the selling price is often different.
Also, if you are searching for a flight ticket departing from Korea
Hana Tour (www.hanatour.com)
Interpark Tour (tour.interpark.com)
Please try to search for the same itinerary in .
There are frequent cases of additional discounts depending on specific cards/number of people.
Also, as an additional tip,
This Chuseok holiday boasts a long holiday from October 1st to October 9th.
If you’re trying to get Chuseok holiday tickets now, you’re already too late.
This is because there are a lot of people who have booked tickets for the Chuseok holiday from a year ago.
For example, the off-season price for a flight from Incheon to Bangkok is
The average price for low-cost airlines is around 300,000 won.
However, now it is already full or will exceed 800,000 to 900,000 won.
It is greedy to find a cheap Chuseok ticket for 300,000 to 400,000 won only now.
But if you have extra vacation
September 29/30 – October 10
September 29 – October 6, etc.
Compare ticket prices by adding +/- 1-3 days from the holidays.
You can find much cheaper tickets.
Any help?
If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments and we will answer anything!
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