카카오톡 테마 Introduction to the KakaoTalk theme I use, Part 1 (KakaoTalk theme recommendation): Naver Blog

카카오톡 테마2021. 7. 10. 18:41

KakaoTalk theme recommendation
Throwing KakaoTalk theme reviews and blog links୧( “̮ )୨
I like simple things and cute things…!
1. Neulbom’s Simple KakaoTalk Theme
iPhone KakaoTalk Theme | White theme ✓ KakaoTalk version: 8.2.1 ✓ Model: iPhone 8 plus ✓ Font size: Second…
The most used theme is completely simple.
I like the KakaoTalk theme speech bubbles better because they are small(?)
2. Eunjeong’s cloudy KakaoTalk theme
+ Uploaded after correcting file errors Hello, this is Eunjeong ٩( ‘ω’ )و These days, square speech bubbles are so…
I like photos of the sky and clouds.
A theme to use when you want to play once in a while.
3. Old version of col’s iMessage/Soy Milk KakaoTalk theme
There have been a lot of people asking us to renew this theme these days! I also use this theme often and it has been updated…
A KakaoTalk theme with a very three-dimensional feel!
The old version of iMessage is so pretty,, it seems more like an iPhone
Preview: Soymilk KakaoTalk Theme (Soymilk Talk) – A KakaoTalk theme I made a while ago that gives off an autumn feel with speech bubbles…
tarot color
There are a variety of colors, so choose the color you want
I like the light purple color, so I went with the taro color. The theme is very neat.
4. Yuha’s Little Bear Talk KakaoTalk Theme
Little Bear Theme It’s been a long time since I made a KakaoTalk theme <3 It's been a while since I made one, so I feel like the details are a bit lacking... m.blog.naver.com 1 / Speech bubble black selection 2 / Select blueberry color This KakaoTalk theme is a little less simple than the KakaoTalk theme posted above! ​ 1: Choice of speech bubble white or black 2: Grapefruit Lemon (Pink + Light Yellow) Tangerine green grapes (yellow bean + light orange) Choice of blueberry (purple + sky) 5. Kimamnim Care Bear Kakao Talk Theme iPhone / Android KakaoTalk Theme :: Care Bear KakaoTalk Theme :: ✔ iPhone = . ktheme android = .... m.blog.naver.com The most gorgeous KakaoTalk theme I have..! ​ The Care Bears character looks really cute. There are various colors, and there are also speech bubbles without characters. KakaoTalk Theme Recommendation KakaoTalk Theme Review and Blog Link Toocheo Kitchen➿•̀Ⱉ•́ Today, there are more cute things than simple... m.blog.naver.com KakaoTalk theme recommendation KakaoTalk theme review and blog link ➿ 1. Your Emotion’s Twitter 20,000 follower commemorative platform... m.blog.naver.com KakaoTalk Theme Recommendation It's been a while since I brought up a KakaoTalk theme. It's full of pretty themes,, Juseomjuseom 1. Your Emotion / Mangle Mangle... m.blog.naver.com KakaoTalk Theme Recommendation Today’s KakaoTalk theme is half cute and half simple, so everyone should download it! KakaoTalk Theme Character Edition 1.2U... m.blog.naver.com *Added due to font question Now I don't have to wonder when the KakaoTalk font will be uploaded, so I'll use the font I want! Hahaha KakaoTalk pretty phone... m.blog.naver.com How to download and apply fonts Kakao Talk Review Font: Naver Clova-Sharing Handwriting Sincerity Font KakaoTalk theme review finished! Next time, if I find a pretty theme, I'll bring it up and introduce it hehe. Quit

카카오톡 테마
