중기청 전세대출 I received for myself! (Part 1) Loan consultation

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#Youth policy #Small and medium-sized enterprises #Employed youth #Monthly rent deposit loan #Loan consultation
‘Kim Cheong-jeong’, an ordinary student living alone and commuting to work in his second year at a small business. As always, monthly rent was the main culprit in draining his account balance. (I’m going to spread it~♡)
Since housing costs account for a large portion of the total salary, money was not saved and the dream of escaping monthly rent became increasingly distant. Meanwhile, I heard some good news! The conditions for have been relaxed. In September of this year, with the announcement of the amendment to the , any employee of a small or medium-sized company with an annual income of 35 million won or less can apply regardless of employment date. Anyone can now apply.
furthermore. An unbelievable interest rate of 1.2%! It was more than half cheaper than a support jeonse loan and about a third cheaper than a bank loan. In other words, even if you are looking for a jeonse with a deposit of 100 million won, the interest you have to pay every month is only 100,000 won (=a golden opportunity to reduce the cost of living alone). Immediately, I decided to pay off the current monthly rent of 400,000 won, and decided to get a job at a small or medium-sized company. We have begun preparations to receive a youth deposit deposit loan.

View policy details ▶ https://blog.naver.com/we_are_youth/221367137063

The application process for can be summarized as follows.

■ Visit the bank after obtaining the basic documents. Before visiting the bank, prepare the basic documents for consultation. What you can directly select is the ‘Employment Insurance Insurance Eligibility History Statement’, and the remaining two documents can be printed by requesting the company.
※Main industry code confirmation data must be requested separately from the company as you must log in to Hometex with your company ID and print a screen to show the industry code. (There is no separate document form) ※ Be sure to put the company’s seal on the main business code verification material (otherwise, you have to go to the bank twice)
If you have all the basic documents ready, take your ID and go to the bank. There are a total of 5 banks that handle : Woori/Kookmin/Shinhan/Corporate/Nonghyup. Since you will need to visit at least twice in the future, we recommend a nearby main bank.

■Loan consultation, including eligibility, loan amount calculation, etc.
If you come for consultation on ‘rental deposit loan for young people employed at small and medium-sized businesses’ at a separate loan window at the bank, you will receive detailed information.
As mentioned earlier, the is a product for young people under the age of 34 who are working at small and medium-sized companies and the head of a household without a home with an annual income of less than 35 million won. The interest rate is 1.2%, which is currently the lowest interest rate among all loan products, and the loan limit is also available for up to 100 million won for houses under 200 million won. The important thing is that a 100% loan is also possible. The basic loan period is 2 years, and the maximum loan period is 10 years. After 4 years, the interest rate of the mortgage loan is applied. [Housing and Urban Fund] Learn more ▶ http://nhuf.molit.go.kr/FP/FP05/FP0502/FP05020601.jsp
After a brief product description of , check whether you are eligible to receive a loan based on basic documents. In addition, you can check your credit rating to determine whether you can borrow money and calculate the loan amount. *You can also simulate the housing rental funds in advance on the Housing and Urban Fund website. (To calculate the exact amount, please inquire at the bank)

■After being informed of the documents to be submitted, you will be informed of the documents you need to submit the next time you visit the bank. If documents are missing, you will have to go back and forth between the bank and the company, so prepare all of the documents below. In addition, all documents must be issued within one month, and all resident registration numbers must be indicated. *Documents marked as self can be printed directly online. *Also prepare a public certificate in advance to register as a member of each issuing organization.

In this way, we have completed the first part, loan consultation, of . Starting in Part 2, Kim Cheong-jeong’s detailed review of buying a house, loan application, and loan review will follow, so all young people, stay tuned!

Original source: Where young people gather, youth policy user manual


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Gyeonggi Job Foundation Western Business Headquarters, 3rd floor, 25 Buheung-ro 424beon-gil, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do
Gyeonggi Job Foundation Western Business Headquarters, 3rd floor, 25 Buheung-ro 424beon-gil, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do

중기청 전세대출
