주유소 가격비교 및 근처 싼 주유소 찾기 Compare gas station prices and find nearby cheap gas stations

Today, we will learn about comparing gas station prices and finding cheap gas stations nearby. It is true that oil is a burden in many ways. Especially when you travel, you often find yourself looking for cheap gas stations, so today we’re going to learn how to compare gas station prices and find cheap gas stations nearby.주유소 가격비교

주유소 가격비교

Lately, I’ve been feeling more and more burdened with fuel expenses. So, I use a gas station price comparison site every day to find cheaper gas stations. Although the prices are slightly different at each gas station, when I fill up a lot of gas, I can save more than 1 liter of gas compared to other gas stations.

Today, I will tell you how to find a cheap gas station nearby through ‘Opinet’, a gas station price comparison site that I use. You can access Officenet in two ways: PC and mobile. Since people often use smartphones when going out, we will focus on the mobile app.


Offinet, which was introduced and operated by the Korea National Oil Corporation in 2008, provides gas station information where the Korea National Oil Corporation collects and provides real-time sales prices of price information from gas stations across the country to ensure transaction transparency and stabilize consumer prices through research and disclosure of petroleum product prices. It’s a system.

In addition, it consists of quick menus such as ‘Find a cheap gas station’, so users can use it easily and conveniently. In particular, by comparing gas station prices, you can see at a glance the lowest price gas stations nearby, and you can intuitively compare prices by city and province compared to the national average.

Gas station price comparison mobile

First, you need to install ‘Opinet’ on the smartphone you are using.

Gear at the top right > Settings

Select and save the fuel used (high-grade gasoline, diesel, lpg, kerosene), supplier, and radius setting km.

Click on gas station near me

You can compare prices of gas stations within 3km and search for the lowest price.

👇 Go to Officenet (Android)

👇Go to Officenet (iPhone)

Gas stations by region

Local gas stations can be searched for gas station prices and lowest prices using the location information of your smartphone, just like gas stations near you.

highway gas station

It is mainly used when traveling on the weekend.

Select the highway direction to and from the highway refueling screen

How to use Naver Portal

You can also compare gas station prices on Naver. Naver Portal, a gas station price comparison site, shows the distance and price based on your location, gasoline, diesel, and prices of nearby gas stations within the desired radius.

Additional features include car wash, self service, and convenience stores, ensuring convenience other than refueling. The good thing about using the Naver portal is that it has a location-based route finding function, so you can find areas you are not familiar with very easily using the route finding function.


In this way, we learned about how to compare gas station prices. I hope this helps you with useful information. I hope you can download Officenet to your smartphone and save some money on fuel costs when commuting to work or traveling.

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