주거급여 신청자격 및 신청방법 (feat.총정리) Housing benefit application qualifications and application method (feat. Summary)

I would like to know about the eligibility for housing benefit and how to apply. Housing benefit is a system that supports housing expenses for low-income people who are deemed in need of support by comprehensively considering income, housing type, and housing cost burden level. The housing benefit is based on a household allowance that calculates the household’s income level based on various factors such as the household’s income, assets, and liabilities, and the subsidy is paid monthly in cash. Please take a good look at the eligibility criteria and make sure to take care of the housing benefit benefits supported by the state.


▼▼▼▼▼Click the link below to apply.▼▼▼▼▼


※ Qualifications for housing benefit
You can apply for households whose recognized income, which comprehensively reflects the applicant’s income and property, is below 47% of the standard median income (approximately KRW 2.53 million for a family of four). What was 46% in 2022 was reduced to 47% in 2023 (approximately 2.53 million won for 4 people). The existing income and property standards for dependents have also been removed, so those who have not previously received benefits can now receive many benefits, so please check carefully and do not forget to apply and receive benefits.



주거급여 신청자격주거급여 신청자격



① Recognized income 47% or less of the median income
– 1-person household – KRW 976,609 per month

– 2-person household – KRW 1,624,393 per month

– 3-person household – KRW 2,084,364 per month

– 4-person household – KRW 2,538,453 per month

– 5-person household – KRW 2,975,423 per month

– 6-person household – KRW 3,397,151 per month


Recognized income is the sum of the assessed income and the converted income of the property.

Please easily diagnose whether you qualify for housing benefit through simulated income calculation.

Mock calculation of recognized income
②Separate payments to young people living alone
Starting in 2021, housing benefits will be paid separately to young people living apart from their parents in households receiving housing benefits. In other words, if the parent’s family receives housing benefit, unmarried children between the ages of 19 and 30 can also receive housing benefit. However, you must sign a lease agreement in the name of your child, pay the monthly rent, and report moving in.

※Housing benefit subsidy amount
Let’s find out how the housing benefit subsidy is.


① Housing benefit subsidy amount for renting households

The standard rent for renting households is set as the upper limit and the actual rent is supported. The lower amount between the standard rent and the actual rent is subsidized.


Class 1 (Seoul) – 1 person: 330,000, 2 people: 370,000, 3 people: 441,000, 4 people: 510,000, 5 people: 528,000, 6 people: 626,000
Level 2 (Gyeonggi, Incheon) – 1 person: 255,000, 2: 285,000, 3: 341,000, 4: 394,000, 5: 407,000, 6: 482,000
Class 3 areas (Gwangju, Sejong City, Special City) – 1 person: 203,000, 2 people: 226,000, 3 people: 270,000, 4 people: 313,000, 5 people: 323,000, 6 people: 382,000
Level 4 (other regions) – 1 person: 164,000, 2 people: 185,000, 3 people: 220,000, 4 people: 256,000, 5 people: 264,000, 6 people: 313,000

If the number of household members is 7, it is the same as the standard rent for 6 people, and if the number of household members is 8 to 9, 10% of the standard rent for 6 people is added. )do.


When calculating the housing benefit, the recognized income and the standard for livelihood benefit are compared. If the recognized income is less than the livelihood allowance, the full housing allowance is paid.

This is a measure to prevent those who receive livelihood benefits from spending their share of housing benefits. If you are a recipient of housing benefit and your recognized income exceeds the standard of livelihood benefit, you will be paid after deducting your share from the standard rent.


Rental benefit calculation method


1. (Recognized income ≤ Living allowance selection criteria): Full support for standard rent (actual rent)

2. (Recognized income > Living allowance selection criteria): Standard rent (actual rent) – self-pay

※ Self-Pay = (Recognized Income – Living Allowance Selection Criteria) × 30%

※ If there is a deposit, 4% per annum is applied to convert it into monthly rent, and the actual rent is
It is calculated by summing up the monthly deposit and monthly rent.


Number of household members 1 person 2 person 3 person 4 person
housing benefit
(Median 47%) 976,609 1,624,393 2,084,364 2,538,453
(median 30%) 623,368 1,036,846 1,330,445 1,620,289
Even if the recognized income of a recipient of housing benefit is less than 47% of the median income, if it exceeds 30% of the median income of the living allowance selection standard, the self-pay portion must be deducted.

The self-pay is 30% of the amount after deducting the living allowance selection criteria from the recognized income.

A rental deposit is not a monthly payment like monthly rent, but it is a housing cost in which a lump sum of money is tied up for a long time. The way to convert these deposits into monthly rent is to multiply by 4% (0.04) and divide by 12 months.

Assuming that the rental deposit is 3 million won and the monthly rent is 300,000 won, the money paid to the lessor is 310,000 won.

(Rental deposit 3,000,000 won x 0.04 / 12 months) + monthly rent 300,000 won = 10,000 won + 300,000 won = 310,000 won.

② Amount of subsidy for housing allowance for own households

Homeownership housing benefit (repair maintenance benefit) is supported by those who own a house and live in that house. Abnormal dwellings such as containers and vinyl houses are excluded.


Classification No. of warnings Intermediate maintenance Major maintenance
Support amount (repair cycle) KRW 4.57 million (3 years) KRW 8.49 million (5 years) KRW 12.41 million (7 years)
Repair contents Papering, flooring, etc. Windows, insulation, heating work, etc. Roof, bathroom and kitchen improvement, etc.
Recognized Income 100% support if the recognized income is below the livelihood benefit selection criteria
90% support if the recognized income exceeds the livelihood benefit selection criteria and is below 35% of the median income
80% support if the recognized income is between 35% and 45% of the median income
In the case of island areas where access by land is impossible (excluding the main island of Jeju Island), 10% of the above repair cost is added.

The amount of repair maintenance benefit is divided into 3 stages (light repair, heavy repair, major repair) according to the level of deterioration of the house (structural safety, facilities, finish), and actual repair costs are supported.

Housing benefit repair costs are supported differently at 80-100% depending on the recognized income of the housing benefit recipient.

100% of the repair cost is subsidized if the recognized income is below the standard of living allowance (30% of the median income).
90% of repair costs are subsidized for those whose recognized income exceeds the standard for livelihood benefit and is below 35% of the median income.
80% of the repair cost is subsidized for those whose recognized income exceeds 35% of the median income and is below the housing benefit standard (47% of the median income).
▼▼▼▼▼You can self-diagnose by clicking the link below.▼▼▼▼▼

※ How to apply for housing benefits and required documents
– Apply at the eup, myeon, or dong community center of the applicant’s resident registration address

– Online application through the welfare road website


Housing allowance can be applied offline or online, and current livelihood or medical allowance recipients do not need to apply for housing allowance separately.


In the case of offline, prepare the required documents below and visit the Administrative Welfare Center at the address of your resident registration address to apply.

required documents
Social security benefit application form (available at the Administrative Welfare Center)
Income and Property Report (available at the Administrative Welfare Center)
Consent to Provision of Prohibited Information, etc. (Available at the Administrative Welfare Center)
Lease agreement, use loan confirmation
Copy of bankbook and ID
If you apply online, you can apply by accessing the Welfare Lo website and following the screen.