장애인활동지원사 자격증 FAQ – View details | Participation forum | Social service electronic voucher

장애인활동지원사 자격증○ Manpower standards according to salary type
– Activity assistance: Visits the beneficiary’s home to provide support for physical activities, household activities, and mobility assistance. Complete a training course (40 hours) at an activity assistant training institution and perform field training (10 hours) at an activity support institution. chinese character
※ Related information: http://www.ableservice.or.kr’s Information Center > Activity Assistant Educational Institution
– Bathing visit: Visiting the recipient’s home, etc. using a vehicle equipped with bathing equipment and providing a bath. A person with a level 1 qualification among nursing care workers under the Elderly Welfare Act.
– Visiting nursing: Visiting nurses who visit the beneficiary’s home, etc. in accordance with the ‘visiting nursing instructions’ of a doctor, oriental medical doctor, or dentist and provide nursing, medical assistance, nursing counseling, or oral hygiene, etc.
A nurse under the Medical Service Act with at least 2 years of nursing work experience
A nursing assistant under the Medical Service Act with at least 3 years of nursing assistant work experience and
Persons who have completed training pursuant to Article 11, Subparagraph 3 (b) of the Enforcement Decree of the Long-Term Care Insurance Act for the Elderly
Dental hygienist under the Act on Medical Technicians, etc.

※ Restrictions on support: If a recipient of activity support, a disabled person eligible for service, or a household with a disabled child receives activity assistance services, the entire salary or more than 1/2 of the salary will be supported by the national or local funds from the guardian, household member, business institution, or educational institution. Recipient employees (including contract workers), etc.
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장애인활동지원사 자격증
