임신출산진료비This is the content of the agenda of ‘expanding support for multiple fetuses related to vouchers for pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses’ decided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare at the ‘17th Health Insurance Policy Deliberation Committee in 2023’ on the 21st.
The agenda aims to expand support for health insurance pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses vouchers (National Happiness Card) in response to the increasing number of infertile people and the increasing number of multiple fetuses (twins or more) due to infertility procedures.
Previously, 1.4 million won was supported for multiple fetuses regardless of the number of fetuses, but from January 2024, 1 million won per fetus will be supported depending on the number of fetuses.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare explained that it took into account that pregnant women with multiple fetuses have a higher probability of complications (approximately 2.5 times) than those with a single fetus, and that the burden of medical expenses increases as the number of fetuses increases (approximately 1.6 times).
The changes resulting from this discussion are scheduled to take effect from January 2024.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare said, “This expansion of voucher support for pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses is expected to reduce the burden of medical expenses for pregnant women with multiple fetuses and greatly contribute to sufficient prenatal care and safe multiple births.”