올크레딧 무료신용조회 Get All Credit Free Credit Inquiry

All Credit is one of the top credit rating agencies in Korea. If you want to check your credit rating, you can do it at either Nice Jerk Me or All Credit. Please check below for free all-credit credit inquiry, which can be viewed for free after verifying your identity. With All Credit, you can check your credit score for free 3 times a year if you verify your identity. Learn how to check your all-credit free credit score. 올크레딧 무료신용조회

credit rating 이베이스매뉴얼
Credit ratings are divided according to credit scores, and the standards for Nice Jerk Me and All Credit have been different so far. Even with the same 900 points, Nice Jerk Me may get a grade 1 and an all-credit credit rating of grade 2. Recently, the credit rating standards for All Credits and Nice Jerk Me are different, so the rating is not given and only the credit score is reflected. However, you may be wondering what my grade is, so please refer to it.

올크레딧 무료신용조회

Credit Rating   Scorecard
Based on the table above, Nice Giki Me and All Credit classify credit ratings according to their credit scores. Currently, each credit rating agency has a standard for each company, so it is expressed as a credit score. When you look up your credit score, you may wonder if your credit rating has improved compared to the credit rating you’ve looked up so far. In the case of all credits, it tends to be greatly affected by banking and cash advances, and in the case of Nice Jimmy, it tends to be greatly affected by overdue information after borrowing money.

All Credit Free Credit Inquiry
1. First, click the link to the All Credits homepage below to go to the homepage.

2. Access the AllCredit website and click the ‘Free credit inquiry for all citizens’ button in the Financial Consumer Protection section.
-In the Financial Consumer Protection tab, there are credit rating change alarm, creditor change loan business information, free credit inquiry nationwide, and credit evaluation result objection service. If you apply for a free credit score change alarm, you can receive an alarm when your credit rating goes up or down.


3. All citizens can apply for free credit inquiry. The year is divided into three quarters and all credits provide free credit inquiry once every three quarters. Select Non-Member or Member and click.


– You can check your credit rating for free 3 times a year, but the opportunity disappears after that period. Therefore, you should make good use of this opportunity. If you scroll down, you can view free credit inquiry nationwide.
-In addition to the nationwide free credit inquiry, the recommendation service provides comprehensive credit management plus, card issuance diagnosis, and credit status analysis, so please use the recommendation service.


4. Authenticate yourself. Select a convenient authentication method such as Naver, Kakao, Payco, mobile phone identity authentication, or credit card identity authentication with secure login.


-Because non-members can do free credit inquiries nationwide, you can proceed as a non-member and complete your self-verification with a secure login to get a free credit inquiry.

5. After completing the identity verification process, you must proceed with the i-PIN verification process. If you do not have this I-PIN number, click New Issue to issue a new one.

-I-PIN authentication may be unfamiliar to you, but it is convenient to use later if you authenticate once as an authentication method frequently used by public institutions.
-I-PIN ID and password can be forgotten, so it is recommended to enter them in a notepad and write them down so that you can find them later when you need them.


6. Check your credit score

-As mentioned above, these days, the credit rating is not shown, but the credit score. A credit score of 900 or higher is considered a good credit score.
-If you need a credit rating standard, it is a good idea to check the above credit rating score table and compare how much your credit rating is.


Managing your credit rating in advance can come in handy when you need money urgently later. These days, it is said that a lower credit rating is more advantageous, but it is good to manage your credit rating in advance. As for your credit rating, it is important to use your credit card without overdue and not to overdue your utility bills or cell phone bills. It is recommended that you manage your credit rating in advance as overdue payments can cause your credit rating to drop sharply.

If you need to upgrade your credit rating urgently, click on your credit rating on Toss, search for utility bills or mobile phone bill records, and submit your credit rating within a few days. Therefore, if you need to upgrade your credit rating in a hurry, there is a way to raise your credit rating through this method.