여행적금 추천 4가지 4 travel savings recommendations

Today, I will recommend a travel savings account. When planning a trip, the first thing that comes to mind is cost. Especially if you are traveling overseas, the cost can be more burdensome, but there is a travel savings account that is useful for saving these funds.



Travel savings is one of the things many people prepare when planning a trip. If you prepare travel savings before going on a trip, you can prepare for necessary travel expenses in advance and handle emergencies reliably during your trip.

travel savings

Unlike regular savings, it is offered by financial institutions that offer specific products related to travel destinations. The interest rate is higher than that of regular savings, and travel-related benefits are also provided. If you have an agreement with a specific hotel or airline, you can enjoy discounts.

However, before saving a travel savings, it is important to familiarize yourself with detailed information about the travel savings system and carefully check the interest rate, savings period, withdrawal conditions, etc. when saving a travel savings. Additionally, it is important to make travel plans while saving up for travel savings.

travel savings

KB Kookmin Bank KB Exciting Travel Savings

KB Kookmin Bank KB Exciting Travel Savings is a savings product launched in partnership with the travel agency ‘Yellow Balloon’.

Depending on the payment period, we provide up to 30,000 won and a 4% discount coupon for yellow balloons. Upon signing up, we provide a 10,000 won discount coupon for the package. After completing the 4th payment, you will receive the following benefits.

4% discount on package (no maximum/minimum price conditions)

10,000 won discount on independent travel (for hotel purchases of 150,000 won or more)

5,000 won discount on independent travel (for airline purchases of 200,000 won or more)

5,000 won discount on independent travel (when purchasing an activity worth 100,000 won or more)

The subscription period is only 6 months, and monthly payments can range from 50,000 won to 1 million won. The basic interest rate is 2.9% per annum, and when a preferential interest rate is applied, you can receive up to 3.9% per annum.

Preferential interest rate conditions

Travel friend preferential interest rate: up to 0.6%p per year

Open banking preferential interest rate: 0.3%p per year

Preferential interest rate for automatic transfer savings: 0.1%p per year

Hana Bank Travellog Travel Savings

Subscription period: 3 to 12 months

Subscription amount: 10,000 to 500,000 won per month

Deposit method: Free deposit

Interest rate: 3%~5% per year

Benefits: Preferential interest rates when using Travellog

Hana Bank Travellog Travel Savings is a savings product that provides preferential interest rates based on Travellog card usage. The Travelogue Card is an essential overseas travel check card that is exempt from typical overseas payment fees and ATM fees.

A basic interest rate of up to 3% per annum is provided, and when a preferential interest rate is applied, an interest rate of up to 5% per annum can be received. It offers the highest interest rate among overseas travel savings types.

Preferential interest rate conditions

Travelogue card usage: Up to 1.80% per year

Marketing consent: 0.10% per year

Hana One Q Push Notification Consent: 0.10% per year

Shinhan Bank savings from one month (weekly)

Subscription period: 1 month to 12 months (in days)

Subscription amount: 1,000 won ~ 100,000 won

Deposit method: Free deposit

Interest rate: 2.5%~4.5% per year

Benefits: Preferential interest rate provided upon maturity termination

Shinhan Bank Monthly Savings (Weekly) is a savings product that allows you to pay weekly for a set period ranging from one month to one year. Although it is not a savings account with conditions related to overseas travel, it is a product that Shinhan Bank is actively promoting as a travel-only savings account.

You can sign up for a daily subscription period from 1 to 12 months, and pay within 100,000 won per week or 20,000 won per day. Therefore, you can pay about 600,000 won per month. The basic interest rate is 2.5% per annum, and when a preferential interest rate is applied, you can receive up to 4.5% per annum.

Happy Life_Travel Sketch Savings V Gwangju Bank

Subscription period: 6 months to 3 years

Subscription amount: 50,000 won ~ 5 million won

Deposit method: Free deposit

Interest rate: 3.5%~4.7% per year

Preferential interest rate conditions

0.50% when maintaining this savings or canceling at maturity.

Based on cancellation principal, 0.10% for termination on maturity of KRW 3 million or more, 0.20% for termination on maturity of KRW 5 million or more.

Until the end of the month before the deposit maturity date, Gwangju Bank card performance is 0.1% per annum for over 1 million won, and 0.30% per annum for over 3 million won.

0.20% per annum upon consent to collection and use of personal information


We hope you will use this as a reference to prepare in advance when planning your trip. I think that saving money for travel is the first step in preparing for a trip, and I think it will help you have a more leisurely trip.

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