실업급여 조건 Basic requirements for receiving unemployment benefits (base period and insurance subscription period) – Unemployment benefits – Labor OK

실업급여 조건You can receive unemployment benefits if you meet all of the requirements below:
① Job-seeking benefits are paid when the insured person who has lost his or her job satisfies all of the following requirements. However, items 5 and 6 only apply to those who were daily workers at the time of final job change.
1. During the 18 months prior to the date of job change (hereinafter referred to as the “base period”), the insured unit period under Article 41 must be 180 days or more in total.
2. Despite having the will and ability to work, the person is unable to obtain employment (including cases of running a business for profit; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Chapter).
3. The reason for job change does not fall under the restrictions on eligibility for benefits under Article 58.
4. Actively make efforts for re-employment
5. The number of working days for one month prior to the date of application for recognition of eligibility under Article 43 shall be less than 10 days.
6. If there is a change of job from another business due to a reason that limits eligibility for benefits under Article 58 during the 180 days of the insured unit period in the standard period prior to the final job change date, more than 90 days during the insured unit period. Must have worked as a daily worker
② If the insured person has been unable to receive compensation for more than 30 days due to illness, injury, or other reasons prescribed by Presidential Decree during the 18 months prior to the date of job change, the number of days the insured was unable to receive compensation due to such reasons is added to the 18 months. The period shall be the standard period (3 years if it exceeds 3 years).
In Article 40 (2) of the Act, “other reasons prescribed by Presidential Decree” means the following reasons: However, cases where money or valuables are paid as determined by the Minister of Employment and Labor pursuant to the proviso to Article 2, Paragraph 5 of the Act are excluded.
1. Business closure
2. Leave of absence due to pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare
3. Reasons determined and announced by the Minister of Employment and Labor, such as leave of absence or other similar conditions.
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