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Compensation processing procedure

Compensation Car Compensation Compensation Processing Procedure

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Up to 50% discount in advance with My Plan
Intensive coverage of driver’s liability and cost damages
Groups of 5 or more people, such as schools and corporations, can sign up.
Coverage for economic losses on used car sales
Easy to sign up with your smartphone
Recommended for long-term stays abroad for more than 3 months!
Up to 50% discount in advance with My Plan
Intensive coverage of driver’s liability and cost damages
Groups of 5 or more people, such as schools and corporations, can sign up.
Coverage for economic losses on used car sales
Easy to sign up with your smartphone
Recommended for long-term stays abroad for more than 3 months!
Consent to collection/use of personal (credit) information
I agree to the above.

Your consultation request has been received.
We will contact you as soon as possible.

Service is being prepared. Please contact customer service at 1566-3000.
Service is being prepared. Please contact customer service at 1670-0393.

Apply for Hana Domestic Travel Insurance (Group) Insurance
(Groups of 5 or more people, such as schools and corporations, can sign up)

※ We apologize for any inconvenience. We are preparing for better service,
You can sign up and receive contract management through an E2L insurance agency.
The photo you registered is
It has been successfully received and is being processed.

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