소상공인 전기요금 특별지원 “Apply for electricity bill support for small business owners on the 21st” – Accommodation Magazine

소상공인 전기요금 특별지원The Ministry of SMEs and Startups announced on February 15th a special support project for electricity bills for small business owners, and announced that applications and applications will begin sequentially according to applicant type from the 21st.
Those eligible for support are individuals or corporate businesses that are active as of the announcement date, have annual sales of 30 million won or less, and are responsible for paying electricity bills for business use (excluding residential use, etc.). Specifically, the opening date on the business registration certificate must be before December 31, 2023, and the business must not be closed as of the public date.
The standard for annual sales under 30 million won is 2022 or 2023. However, if the business opens in the current year, the average monthly sales since opening is converted to annual sales. In addition, the use of electricity must be non-residential among general, industrial, agricultural, educational, and residential purposes in order to apply.
If you are confirmed as eligible for support, you can receive electricity bill support of up to 200,000 won. To prevent duplicate supply, if one person runs multiple businesses, only one can apply, and for a business run by co-representatives, only one representative can apply.
Applicants are divided into ‘direct contract users’ and ‘non-contract users’. ‘Direct contractors’ who directly signed an electric power use contract with Korea Electric Power Corporation can apply for two months from February 21st to April 20th, and if they are confirmed as eligible without submitting separate documents, they will automatically receive the deduction benefit on the first bill issued. Applies.
‘Non-contract users’ who have not signed a direct contract with Korea Electric Power Corporation can apply from March 4 to May 3. In the case of non-contract businesses, support is provided in the form of a refund of up to 200,000 won of the amount paid by separately verifying documents confirming whether electricity is used for business purposes and payment of bills.
Applications can be made online through the ‘Small Business Electricity Bill Special Support.kr’ website. If it is difficult to apply online, you can also apply by visiting one of the 77 support centers of the Small Business Corporation across the country. However, for the first four days after the start of application/reception, the odd-even system is applied based on the last digit of the business registration number to divide the number of users connected. Odd numbers can apply on February 21st, and even numbers can apply on February 22nd.
More detailed information can be found on the Ministry of SMEs and Startups website, the Small Business Electricity Bill Special Support Telephone Counseling Center (1533-0200), and the Small Business Market Promotion Corporation regional center.

소상공인 전기요금 특별지원
