무직자 신용카드 발급방법 및 발급 조건 How to issue a credit card for the unemployed and conditions for issuance

Let’s look at how to obtain a credit card for unemployed people and the conditions for issuance. Usually, in order to be issued a credit card, it is possible to prove your credit rating or income. Each card company has slightly different conditions, but in general, you must meet the criteria for issuance. So today, I will introduce how to issue a credit card for the unemployed or housewives who do not meet those conditions.

무직자 신용카드 발급
You may be eligible for an unemployment credit card if you have no credit rating and are in arrears on your loan. Also, credit card issuance conditions apply if you have your own car, are married and live in an apartment.

무직자 신용카드 발급

Conditions for issuing unemployed credit cards

Own a vehicle in your name for more than 3 months
You can issue a credit card if you have owned a vehicle in your name for more than 3 months. The condition for issuance is that the vehicle must be in the person’s name within 10 years after shipment and the vehicle must be registered in the person’s name for more than 3 months.

When you live in an apartment in your spouse’s name
You can get a credit card issued by checking your spouse’s credit rating, credit card issuance conditions, and loan delinquency history. Each credit card company may have slightly different conditions, and college students, part-timers, job seekers, and unemployed people can also issue credit cards if the conditions are met.


When your spouse has income
If your spouse has income, you can check your spouse’s credit rating and get it issued if there is no history of loan delinquency or financial fraud. It can be issued after confirming that your spouse is enrolled in the 4 major insurances and how much income you have.


When you are enrolled in the 4 major insurance
If you have a history of the 4 major insurances, you can issue a credit card after checking your credit rating. There is no job, but the income generation environment is also very good, so you can issue a credit card by checking the payment details of the 4 major insurances at the bank.


Credit rating 7
It can be issued if the credit rating is 7 or higher.


When there is no loan arrears
A credit card can be issued if the loan is not overdue. Loan delinquencies and non-payment of cell phone bills are identified when determining credit ratings and conditions for issuing a loan or credit card. If the loan is not overdue, check for overdue over 3 months, history of financial transaction fraud, unpaid cell phone bills, and repeated emergency loans.


Individual insurance payer
Even if you are unemployed, if your personal insurance is paid, it can be issued after screening. It is issued after review based on local medical insurance (50,000 won per month), life insurance (100,000 won per month), and annual salary (500,000 won per month) paid by the head of household.

Credit card issuance conditions for the unemployed (by card company)

Shinhan Card (Go to Shinhan Card)
National pension payment history of 3 months or more, 50,000 won or more
Pay property taxes Own an apartment or house
5 million won deposited in another bank, 6 months
Bank account balance 3 months 800,000 won
Credit rating 7


NH Nonghyup Card (Go to NH Nonghyup Card)
Age 23+, married
Local health insurance subscribers 3 months, 40,000 won per month
National pension 50,000 won per month

KB Kookmin Card (Go to KB Kookmin Card)

Credit score NICE 710, KCB 620
only 20 years old
Pension income 1 million won, public pension 500,000 won
Health insurance fee 50,000 won, 3 months
National pension 100,000 won, 3 months
Account balance of other bank transactions: 3,000,000 won

Samsung Card (Go to Samsung Card)
Local medical insurance KRW 30,000, 3 months
300,000 won monthly installment savings from other banks, 6 months
National pension 50,000 won per month, 3 months
Vehicle less than 6 years old, 3 months
Bank account balance Average balance 500,000 won, 3 months

Woori Card (Go to Woori Card)

4 major insurance 6 months
200,000 won installment deposit from another bank, 6 months
property tax real estate in one’s name
National pension 100,000 won, 3 months
Health insurance fee 50,000 won, 3 months

Homepage guide for each credit card company
Hana Samsung Shinhan Woori
Citi KB Kookmin Lotte NH Nonghyup

You can issue a credit card without going to work. Please refrain from issuing excessive cards, and if you need to issue a card, please refer to it and spend wisely.


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