근로계약서 양식 다운로드 및 작성법 How to download and fill out the employment contract form

Today we will learn how to download and fill out the employment contract form. An employment contract is a document in which the employer clearly states the conditions such as the worker’s wages, working hours, and contract period. I will tell you about the free employment contract form download and how to use the electronic employment contract.


근로계약서 양식

근로계약서 양식

In a labor contract, the employer must clearly specify not only wages and working hours, but also holidays, annual leave, and paid vacation before concluding the contract and issuing it to the employee.

Employment contract form
employment contract
The employment contract can be used as evidence in the event of an unexpected dispute, and is an essential document to protect the rights and interests of employers and workers.

Employment contract form
Write an employment contract
Employment contract form
Employment contract form
Download employment contract form
Business Owner Drafting Agreement
Worker Draft Confirmation and Signature
Confirm final contract
Employment contract form
Employment contract form
Click on Create Employment Contract
Business Owner Drafting Agreement
Automatically send draft contract emails
Worker Draft Confirmation and Signature
Automatically send final contract email
Confirmation of final contract between employers and workers
Employment contract form
Download employment contract form
Since the principles of written labor contracts must be observed in the workplace, please be sure to write down a standard labor contract.

Employment contract form
If you have difficulty downloading it directly, you can download it directly from the Ministry of Employment and Labor website below. In addition to the standard employment contract, free employment contract forms for general, construction, and young workers can be downloaded from Worknet.

Standard employment contract form for general / construction work / young workers
Employment contract form
Standard employment contract form for part-time / fixed-term / foreign workers
Employment contract form
Ministry of Employment and Labor – Standard – 7 types of employment contracts download
How to write an employment contract
There are some things to keep in mind when writing an employment contract, which are summarized in the table below for your reference.

How to write what is stated
Labor contract period: Enter the period of time agreed upon between the worker and the employer to work. If the labor contract period is not specified, only the work start date is required.
Workplace: Just write down the place where workers and employers decide to carry out work.
Please describe the content of the work and what kind of work you will do.
It is written in the form of prescribed working hours from 0:00 to 0:00 (break time from 0:00 to 0:00).
Workdays/Holidays Enter which days of the week you will work and also write about paid holidays.
Wages Describe the payment date or method of payment. Additionally, if there are any allowances to be paid, such as bonuses, family allowances, certification allowances, etc., please enter additional information about them.
Annual paid leave Annual paid leave is granted in accordance with the Labor Standards Act.
Whether or not social insurance is applied Enter the relevant information regarding social insurance application.
Issuance of a labor contract This informs you that the labor contract must be issued to the employee upon conclusion of the labor contract.
Obligation to faithfully fulfill employment contracts, employment rules, etc. Employers and workers promise to fulfill their obligations to faithfully fulfill employment contracts, employment rules, etc.
Other matters not specified in the above employment contract are governed by the Labor Standards Act.
Download standard employment contract

Above we have learned about how to download and fill out the employment contract form. Please download the standard employment contract form provided by the Ministry of Employment and Labor for free and carefully follow the instructions when filling it out.

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