국공립 어린이집 호봉 Comparison of salary, salary, and allowances for childcare teachers at public/private daycare centers (2023)

국공립 어린이집 호봉According to the 2021 Childcare Status Survey conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the average monthly earned income of all childcare teachers is 2,764,000 won. According to a survey, the average monthly salary of teachers at public daycare centers is 3.01 million won, while that of private daycare centers is 2.53 million won, a difference of about 500,000 won.

While childcare teachers at national and public daycare centers are subject to a salary system where their salaries increase according to years of service, the salaries of childcare teachers at private daycare centers do not increase as their experience increases.

If you are curious about the differences between how to obtain childcare teacher and kindergarten teacher certification, please check the following link.
▶ Comparison of differences and qualifications between childcare teachers (daycare centers) and kindergarten teachers (kindergarten)

The monthly salary of a childcare teacher is a combination of the salary paid by the daycare center (minimum hourly wage is applied in the private sector), government allowances, and local government allowances. In the case of private daycare centers, in some cases, they do not receive allowances paid by the government and local governments, so they can receive an after-tax monthly salary of around 2 million won. Because the salary of childcare teachers at private daycare centers is lower than expected compared to the intensity of work, childcare teachers are promoting the integration of kindergartens and daycare centers and are positive about the integration of kindergartens.

Currently, the integration of kindergartens is taking place by consolidating national and public kindergartens staffed by full-time kindergarten teachers (teachers = public officials) into public kindergartens, and integrating daycare centers for private working families into private kindergartens. As the ministries in charge are unified under the Ministry of Education, the unified name “Kindergarten” will be used instead of “Daycare Center.”

Please refer to the following table for <2023 labor cost standards for childcare teachers> working at national and public daycare centers. Labor costs are equivalent to basic salary.

In addition to the basic salary, childcare teachers at national and public daycare centers also receive various allowances every month as follows.

If you are curious about the salary, allowances, and salary table of kindergarten teachers (public/private), please check the following link.
▶ Comparison of kindergarten (public/private) teacher salaries, allowances, and pay scales (2023)

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