국가 자격증 종류 National Qualification Type

The type of national qualification
It can be largely divided into national technical qualifications and national professional qualifications.

Knowing that the nationally recognized qualification [private] and the national technical qualification are clearly different, it depends on whether you need it because of the public confidence or additional points of the qualification you are currently acquiring, or whether you can talk about it in a self-introduction or interview.

국가 자격증 종류
Big difference between technical and professional qualifications 국가 자격증 종류
In the case of technical certification, it is a certification that can be obtained by passing a nationally recognized qualification test for skills, functions, and services related to the industry. In general, this includes well-known mechanics, industrial engineers, engineers, craftsmen, and technicians. 좋은뉴스

So, what is a professional qualification?

As a concept of license, national professional qualification can be recognized as a professional job in itself and can have a job. It could be said that it has more to do with work. Representatively, it would be quick if you understand that licensed realtors, lawyers, and doctors must be qualified to obtain a license to do the activities of the profession.

Find national certification types
Skilled technicians and technology-related licenses that many people recognize are implemented and issued by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea.

Types of national technical qualifications and test registration can be found on Q-Net [Q-Net].

in the national technical qualification
Most technicians do not have the qualifications to take the test, but they are divided into industrial engineers, engineers, craftsmen, or technicians, and for high-level licenses, you must satisfy your academic background or career to qualify for the test.


In addition, in the process of obtaining a license that leads to practical training after passing the written test, all applications and schedule checks are conducted at Qnet.

Most of the certification pass standards are passed if you have an average of 60 points or more in all subjects, and if you do not exceed 40 points in any subject, you can check the pass of the previous year, such as failing, etc., so it is helpful to check it.

National Technical Qualification Information
If you check the statistics on qualifications from the Ministry of Employment and Labor, it is said that forklift driving, cooking, excavator driving, and electric fields were the most challenging.


View the certification exam schedule

It is held regularly 3-4 times a year. Other than that, there are also certificates that are held every month. There are also 14 permanent licenses such as forklift driving, confectionery, baking, cooking, and hairdresser, so it’s good to refer to them.

In case of national professional qualification
Some tests are conducted by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea, and they are divided into categories conducted by other institutions.

If you are studying for a professional qualification, you must already prepare and know better than me, because you have to acquire more specialized knowledge, a lot of study, and the qualification itself to be able to do activities for that job.

If you are looking for a type of national certification for immediate employment or preparation for the future, you will find out what certifications are related to the industry you want to work in and what you should study.


A qualification that can show additional points and expertise in the job, but should it be obtained if it is a private qualification rather than a national qualification? It will be worrying too. Even if I don’t have public confidence, it can be a weapon to show that I have that much interest in this field, so I hope it helps you think about it.