간헐적 단식 커피 Can you drink intermittent fasting and ‘FMD’ coffee?

간헐적 단식 커피Learn the basics of intermittent fasting
In the eighth month of intermittent fasting, I wrote about six body changes. In the aftermath of the SBS special broadcast, many people read the lacking articles.
I became a bit of a decent person | Throughout the day, intermittent fasting has been popping up here and there. It’s because of the SBS special that aired on the weekend. I’ve been intermittent fasting since June of last year, and it’s been 8 months. I wrote about ‘body changes in the first month of intermittent fasting’ on a brunch in July of last year. Quite a few have read, shared and commented on. Among them, there was also a comment from SBS Special writer. (I do intermittent fasting
People came to see the article through various channels, and people who entered through search drew attention to the words they searched for.

You may be wondering if you can drink coffee or tea during intermittent fasting.
I tried not to drink coffee or tea during the fasting period, and I did it regardless of food intake. It was because I read somewhere at the time that it was good to drink only water during fasting.

Of course, I like coffee, but I’m not a person who must drink more than one cup every day, and since I don’t drink water well, I consciously tried to drink a lot of water, so I didn’t have a big problem even if I didn’t drink coffee on an empty stomach.
Looking back at related materials, it seems that the answer to ‘can I drink coffee or tea during intermittent fasting’ is neither yes nor no. (I don’t like the expression “it seems to be ~, but I’m not an expert, so it’s hard to assert.)

Before that, let’s briefly understand the principles of intermittent fasting. The basic purpose of intermittent fasting is to ‘reduce food intake’.

When food enters our body, most of it uses energy for basic metabolism, digestion and decomposition of food, and muscle movement. Excess energy is stored as fat in case you run out of energy later.

If food intake is reduced, the fat already accumulated is taken out and used as an energy source. Intermittent fasting is a way to reduce food intake to allow this process to occur.

You may be concerned that instead of fat, you break down muscle first and use it for energy. However, unless the body fat is abnormally low, there is no need to worry because the fat is taken out first.

By applying this principle, ‘a diet that makes the body feel like it is fasting without fasting’ is the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD).

First of all, the diet consists of vegetables such as cucumbers and tomatoes, and nuts such as walnuts and almonds, with relatively low-calorie olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing, and about 800-1100 kcal. amount eaten per day

On the first day, 1100 kcal is consumed, and from the next day, it is reduced to 800 kcal for 5 days.

It is good to do it once or twice a month, and pregnant women, teenagers, and people with eating disorders or thyroid problems who need to take nutrients evenly should not do it.

1. YES in terms of calories only
High-calorie beverages, of course, should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Do not drink coffee with milk, such as cafe latte or milk tea, or drinks containing sugar, such as cola or juice.

Instead, it is said that you can drink Americano or tea with less than 5 kcal of calories during an empty stomach.
You can drink any beverage regardless of calories during the time when food intake is possible, but drinking a lot of high-calorie and sugary beverages is not good for your health, so it is better to drink in moderation.

2. No for stomach health
There are many research results that coffee is good for health, but the general theory is that drinking it on an empty stomach is not good.

Caffeine in coffee stimulates the secretion of stomach acid. May cause reflux esophagitis. The acidity of coffee’s fatty acid itself stimulates the stomach. Coffee causes rapid colon movement, which can lead to irritable bowel disease.

During the break, it is said that it is better not to drink coffee to avoid burdening the stomach.
I’d like to share a fun, good, and slightly weird idea with you 😉

간헐적 단식 커피
