노인 인권 사이버 교육 Elderly Human Rights Cyber Education

Access the online application for senior human rights cyber education courses. You can apply for the 2021 senior human rights cyber education course at the Korea Health and Welfare Human Resources Development Institute (KOHI). Application for senior human rights cyber education course 2021 KOHI cyber education operation KOHI Cyber ​​Education Operation Guide for 2021 Get … Read more

주휴수당 payment standards for weekly holiday pay

Weekly holiday allowance refers to the money that an employee receives for paid weekly holidays. The company is obliged to give workers who have worked more than 주휴수당 15 hours per week an average of at least one paid holiday per week in order to relieve fatigue from work. Today, we will look at the … Read more

마이크로소프트 팀즈 삭제 How to Uninstall Windows 11 Microsoft Teams

In this post, I will write how to uninstall Windows 11 Microsoft Teams. In the case of Microsoft Teams, it is a program that allows you to try chatting, calling, and video conferences. But there are many people who don’t use it. Sometimes it is inconvenient because it is automatically activated when booting and appears … Read more

해외주식 양도소득세 신고 방법 Learn how to report overseas stock capital gains tax (Samsung Securities)

I have US stocks, but the sum of the losses and gains is negative… It’s sad. Next month, May, is the month to file the global income tax return. If your interest income is more than 20 million won, you must file a global income tax return. ​There are many people who are working and … Read more

청춘대로 톡톡카드 Compare KB Kookmin Youth Tok Talk Cards

Comparison of Tok Tok cards according to KB Kookmin Youth ​ ​ hello neighbors Today, people in their 20s, 30s, or people who work It is a product that is used a lot. 청춘대로 톡톡카드 As the discount items came out according to the pattern of the office worker, people There are many advantages to … Read more

아이폰 html 파일 열기 open iphone html file

I think I’ve been using the iPhone for 10 years, but I haven’t been able to open secure emails, bills, etc. that always come by email. Even if the billing service provider’s bill comes through secure mail, it comes with something that can be opened on the iPhone (because carriers sell iPhones), and most other … Read more

KB모바일인증서 발급 KB Kookmin Bank KB mobile certificate issuance

Until now, Kookmin Bank has always used a joint certificate when using mobile banking. Internet banking has long been a fixed rule. However, with the development of smartphones, the usage of banks gradually developed. It has become easy to use with a simple certificate without complex certificates. In particular, the newly launched Internet-only banks such … Read more

근로소득원천징수영수증 발급 activities to contribute to profit creation

If you are at work, you must have had the experience of being busy with year-end tax settlement at the beginning of the new year, right? In the past, there was no systematic system, so it was difficult to calculate the numbers on paper by calculating by hand. These days, thanks to the simplified service, … Read more

유튜브 바로가기 만들기 Windows desktop YouTube shortcut

This time, we will learn how to create a YouTube shortcut on the computer desktop. Most frequently visited sites are bookmarked and used, but if you create a shortcut on the desktop, you can access it more easily and quickly. As a representative example, we will look at how to go to YouTube and look … Read more

2022년 기초생활수급자 조건 basic livelihood recipients

Today we are going to learn about basic livelihood recipients. There are many people who fall under this category than expected, and there are many people who are curious about how it goes. 2022년 기초생활수급자 조건 ​In addition to the conditions for receiving the Basic Livelihood Recipient in 2022 and how to apply, we will … Read more