토스뱅크 마이너스통장 Toss Bank minus passbook issuance subject and limit

​Toss Bank minus passbook issuance subject Toss minus bank account limit ​ Toss Bank resumed loan business on January 1 of this year. In 2021, loan business was suspended due to loan regulations by the financial authorities, but new loans were resumed from the 1st. The minimum interest rate for the Toss Bank credit loan … Read more

SRT 경로할인 SRT route discount

In today’s post, we will inform you about the SRT senior discount and SRT senior discount system in detail. SRT Senior Discount, SRT Senior Discount System Completely organized. SRT Senior Discount, SRT Senior Discount System Completely organized. Today, SRT Senior Citizen Discount and SRT Senior Citizen Discount System are summarized in detail. SRT offers various … Read more

쿠팡 와우 멤버십 혜택 Coupang Wow membership benefits free trial

Surprisingly(?) One of the things my husband hates the most Unnecessary money going out…!!! For example, because we don’t have a TV in our house. My husband called me directly a while ago lol To the extent that I applied to cancel the TV license fee ^^;; hehe 쿠팡 와우 멤버십 혜택 ​ Such a … Read more

2022년 연봉 실수령액표 Let’s check the annual salary real income table for 2022

There was a time when I was also getting paid, but I was freelancer. I think it’s been a while since I saw the salary table. ​ When I started working in 2007, my starting salary was 16 million won. Now the minimum wage has been adjusted and it has risen a lot. 2022년 연봉 … Read more

실업급여 신청방법 How to apply for unemployment benefits Find out how much is paid

Many of you may be experiencing unemployment due to the recent economic downturn. Unemployment benefits are when we decide to leave the company due to change of job or personal reasons. If you do, you will become unemployed and will be able to claim unemployment benefits. In this post, we will look at how to … Read more