금융인증서 공동인증서 차이 Financial Certificate Joint Certificate Difference, Issuance & Usage

The financial certificate is a personal authentication service newly introduced on December 10, 2020 by the Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute. The concept itself is the same as a joint certificate with only a name change from a public certificate, but it has a longer validity period and the cloud method is applied so … Read more

가스라이팅 뜻 gaslighting meaning

Gaslighting meaning & easy-to-understand examples Today, let’s take a look at the meaning and easy-to-understand example sentences of ‘gaslighting’, a new word and psychological term that is used more frequently than you think in various media and daily life. About the definition of gaslighting GasLighting Meaning If we define gaslighting, it can be said that … Read more

카카오뱅크 고객센터 Kakao Bank customer center phone number and consultation hours

Kakao Bank, a leader in non-face-to-face banking, succeeded in designing and marketing check cards with cute image characters as soon as it was launched, and is being used by quite a few people for convenience. Unlike other banks, there are no offline branches, so if there is a problem, it is inconvenient to solve it … Read more

네이버 웨일 업데이트 Naver Whale compatibility mode update as an alternative

Close Internet Explorer. What is the alternative? Naver Whale compatibility mode 네이버 웨일 업데이트 Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, which has been connecting all the worlds since August 1995, has endured by boasting a steady share through version upgrades until the 11th. As of June 15, the end of 27 years of long activities was announced. Closing … Read more

카카오뱅크 통장사본 Print a copy of Kakao Bank (Kabin) passbook

There are many people who use Kakao Bank, an internet-only bank. When it was first launched in 2017, there were no outstanding features except for the simple remittance function based on the national messenger and KakaoTalk, but it has grown to the 6th place in the domestic household loan market share. Thanks to this, almost … Read more

카카오페이 비밀번호 찾기 Resolved by resetting Kakao Pay password retrieval

Resolved by resetting Kakao Pay password retrieval ​ Hello IT. It is a system that makes payment easier and more convenient using Kakao Pay. Sometimes, you can’t remember your password. Today, we are going to take some time to learn how to find the Kakao Pay password. In fact, since it is a financial service, … Read more