Today we will learn about LG U+ customer center and phone numbers. LG U+ operates a customer center through various channels to provide high-quality services to customers. While using the service, situations may arise where you need to contact customer service.
If you have any questions or problems related to the service, you can receive quick and efficient help if you know the LG U+ Customer Center contact information and operating hours. If you have any problems or inquiries during use, we hope that you will resolve the issue through our customer service center.
LG U+ Customer Center
LG U+ Customer Center phone numbers are 114 (free), 1544-0010 (paid), and 080-019-7000 (free). You can inquire over the phone, or if you would like to receive in-person consultation, you can visit an LG U+ branch or agency located nationwide.
Cell phone: 114 (free)
1544-0010 (paid)
080-019-7000 (free)
ARS shortcut number
Number 1: New registration
No. 2: Inquiries regarding fees and payment
No. 3: Malfunction report
No. 4: Inquiries about moving and various changes
No. 5: Inquiries regarding service termination, contract period, and penalties
Number 6: Cell phone inquiry (1544-0010)
No. 7: Internet for shopping malls and offices, our store package
Number 0: Connect to a counselor
👇Go to LG U+ (Android)
👇Go to LG U+ (iPhone)
Customer center phone number for each task
International call 002: 1544-00021633
Collect call: 1544-0001
Prepaid card: 1544-0002
Postpaid card: 1544-2255
Telemeeting: 1544-0001
Find a store near you
LG U+ stores provide civil service services such as call history viewing, rental phone service, identity theft registration, store pickup, and bill payment + change of payment method. However, since there are differences in the services provided by each store, it is recommended to check the services provided by the store through the website before visiting.
frequently asked questions
Is it possible to change the virtual number?
You can change your number only if you sign up for the service (re-enroll) and change your number less than twice within 90 days. (Applicable from 2020.02.13)
Membership is VVIP/VIP level. How do I reserve VIP Cock movie tickets?
You can reserve tickets through the LG U+ website and U+ membership app.
What is the 2GB data coupon?
The 2GB data coupon is a coupon that allows you to use 2GB more when you run out of data. Regardless of long-term customer level, customers who have been using U+ Mobile for more than 2 years can receive 4 tickets per year, and customers who have been using U+ Mobile for more than 4 years can receive 6 tickets per year.
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