ktx 입석 예매 How to book KTX non-reserved seats and standing seats, and tips when trains are sold out

ktx 입석 예매As mentioned above, KTX has regular seats and special seats, but there are also non-reserved seats and standing seats.

KTX non-reserved seats literally means seats where you can sit freely. The number of non-reserved seats is set aside, and you can sit in unoccupied seats. It is mainly operated during commuting hours on weekdays, with regular commuter users sitting. If you are uncomfortable with non-reserved seats, you can also sit on the simple chairs between the tea rooms. Non-reserved seats are usually only open on weekdays (weekends and holidays X) and offer a 5% discount off the regular room rate.

KTX standing seats apply on weekends or holidays when non-reserved seats are not operated, and are sold when seats in general cabins are sold out. There is also a stand-only car, and you can sit on the simple chair between the cars. Standing room guests receive a 15% discount off regular room rates.

As mentioned above, ktx non-reserved seat reservations are operated only on weekdays, so if you make a reservation on a weekday date, you can see it like a picture. When making a reservation, you will be notified in advance that the car for non-reserved seats is car number 16. If there are no people in car 16 at the time of reservation, you can sit down or sit in a simple seat.

When purchasing a standing seat, there is a standing seat reservation and a standing seat + seat waiting reservation. Standing seat reservations, like non-reserved seat reservations, can be made by informing you of the standing-only car and making a payment when making a reservation.

Standing seat + waiting for seat reservation reservation is literally a reservation that can be made after waiting until the reservation ticket is cancelled. As shown in the photo, if you apply for a waiting list and are not assigned 2 days before departure, your application for waiting for a reservation will be automatically canceled. If you are assigned, the reservation is completed if you pay by 24:00 on the day of assignment.

When making a standing seat + seat reservation, it is a seat up to a certain section and the remaining section is a standing seat or a certain section is a standing section and the remaining section is a seat. For example, when taking a train from Seoul to Busan, Seoul-Daejeon is a seat and Daejeon-Busan is a standing seat. If you only change your seat when making a standing seat reservation, you can also go to a seat + seat if you are lucky.

If you’ve made a lot of train reservations, you’ve probably experienced situations where you’re often sold out and in trouble. So, here are some tips on how to make reservations when trains are sold out.

Before knowing the reservation tips, if you saw the waiting list when booking train tickets, you would have seen them sold out. Sold out means that even the waiting list has been sold out. That doesn’t mean you can’t make a reservation. You can make a reservation when sold out in the following 4 ways.

If the reservation is successful, you will be contacted to make a reservation through KakaoTalk as shown in the picture below. Korail Talk – upper right menu – ticket reservation – reservation ticket inquiry, cancellation – payment.

How to make a reservation if the reservation is successful

If you are interested in other ktx related information, please refer to the link below.

Mobile KTX reservation method
How to get KTX discount reservation and general summary of discount system
How to book reservations on the Let’s Korea Rail website and search train tickets

ktx 입석 예매
