토스 모임통장 만들기 Toss money collection function, how to open a meeting account

토스 모임통장 만들기1. Launch the Toss app. 2. Click All in the lower right corner. 3. In the Account section, click Collect Money. 4. Click Get Started in 30 Seconds. 5. Enter the reason for pooling money together. 6. Click OK. 7. In the address book, search for the person to invite the meeting account. … Read more

토스 모임통장 만들기 Making a Toss meeting passbook Organize card interest reviews

Let’s learn about making a toss meeting passbook, card interest, and review arrangements. As a mobile bank, Toss Bank supports various financial products with just a mobile phone without going to the bank. Among them, the most popular service these days is the Toss meeting passbook. Let’s find out in the article below. 토스 모임통장 … Read more