쿠팡 와우 해지 Coupang membership price increase, how to cancel Rocket Wow

Coupang is expanding its business into various fields such as direct purchase, delivery, and OTT, as well as serving as an open market from food to fashion/miscellaneous goods as well as home appliances/digital. In particular, through the subscription system called Rocket Wow membership, even if you purchase only one rocket delivery product, you can receive … Read more

케이뱅크 플러스 체크카드 K-Bank Plus Check Card Review

This is not a product review. ​ This is #KBank’s #Plus #Check Card that was #newly issued a while ago. 케이뱅크 플러스 체크카드 ​ When you get a new issuance, they say it will come like this You can think of it as an introduction. I will briefly mention the benefits and features. Immediately after … Read more

아이폰 공동인증서 저장 How to import and save a joint certificate on iPhone

This is a review of the renewal of joint certificates for securities and individuals. Bank use seems to be the same, and renewal is possible one month before expiration. At first, I thought that it would be simple if I just simply renew, but when I actually did it, the process is practically the same … Read more

삼성카드 발급조건 Samsung Card issuance conditions Important benefits

The meaning of the phrase ‘following the fashion’ It’s about consuming what’s trendy. ​ Here, spending my time can invest and have You can also invest in goods. 삼성카드 발급조건 ​ After all, I have the energy, time, One of the goods must be consumed to become fashionable You can follow. ​ If consumption of … Read more

지메일 비밀번호 찾기 google gmail password

Monday, May 2, 22nd from 2:00 to 4:00 pm at the Lifelong Learning Center in Michuhol-gu, the second semester of 2022 smartphone use education 9th session – Change your Google Gmail password, find my smartphone, use the kiosk app to withdraw fast food, ATM bank deposits, I practiced buying train tickets, etc. ​ 50 Plus … Read more

케이뱅크 계좌개설 K-Bank Account Opening K-Bank Challenge Box Parking passbook available at 2.5% interest rate

Usually, you have an emergency fund in the parking account of <Toss Bank>, which provides a 2% interest rate. Although it is not a frequent deposit and withdrawal, I will briefly introduce the <K-Bank Challenge Box>, which can be made into a passbook of a similar nature and receive an interest of 2.5%. ​ First, … Read more