abc쥬스 I tried drinking ‘ABC Juice’, which is said to remove belly fat and visceral fat | JoongAng Ilbo

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December is a month when many year-end gatherings are held. Dinner is a great time to gather together with coworkers and friends and talk. However, when you pair delicious food with a drink or two, it is inevitable that you will gain belly fat. Recently, I heard that there was a juice that was said to help reduce belly fat and even visceral fat, so I tried it myself.
'ABC Juice', a healthy detox drink that reduces visceral fat.
The identity of this juice is ‘ABC Juice.’ The name is derived from the first letters of the ingredients of this juice: apple, beet, and carrot. It is already well known as ‘detox juice’ in the United States and Europe. The amount of dietary fiber contained in 1 glass (500 mL) of this juice is about 10 g, which is half of the recommended daily intake for adults (20-25 g), and it contains little sugar and calories are low at around 150 kcal. In addition, it is definitely a healthy juice because you can consume various vitamins and minerals. The biggest benefit is that it reduces visceral fat, which you are likely to have even if you are not fat, and it is said that you can also see the effect of losing belly fat. In addition, thanks to the rich vitamins and minerals found in apples and carrots and the nitrates contained in beets, the benefits range from improving blood circulation, improving eye health, improving memory, and strengthening stomach and liver functions. Overseas, it has already been famous among dieters for several years, and in Korea, it attracted a lot of attention after being introduced in a health information program early last month.
<22> ABC Juice Experience
Ingredients for ABC Juice. Just blend 1 apple, 1 carrot, and 1/3 of a beet with a cup of water. Reporter Kyunghee Yoon
It’s simple to make. All you have to do is grind 1 apple, 1 carrot, and 1/3 of a beet with 200mL of water. Compared to the great effect, it’s too easy to make, right? However, there is a caveat. Apples and beets are fine, but be sure to watch the amount of beets you use. This is because of the ‘insoluble oxalic acid’ component contained in beets. This component reacts with calcium in the body to form crystals, so there is a risk of developing kidney stones if consumed in large amounts. It can also cause stomachache or diarrhea, so you need to carefully control the amount of beets. Also, when making juice, you should not use a juicer, but use a blender or blender to get the dietary fiber from the ingredients. Grind the apples with the skin on. If you grind it like this, it actually becomes a thick porridge rather than juice. You can drink it in the morning on an empty stomach or eat it with a spoon. As juices become more popular, there are products on the market that make these ingredients into powder, but in this case, since you cannot eat the dietary fiber from apples, carrots, and beets, it will be difficult to see the effects properly.
Take 1 cup (approximately 500 mL) every morning on an empty stomach. It’s not as easy as you think because the amount is large. Although changes in visceral fat in the body cannot be detected unless examined at a hospital, the detox effect through bowel movements was immediately noticeable. After drinking juice, you will need to go to the bathroom within 30 minutes to an hour. Since you can go to the bathroom easily while eating healthy nutrients, this alone is a very satisfying effect for people who suffer from constipation. After drinking ABC juice for about 3 days, my bloated stomach felt better and my stomach tightened slightly. It seems clear that it is a healthier method than diet supplements that are said to help diet with a bowel movement effect. However, it did not completely remove belly fat. Director Kim Jin-hee, a family medicine specialist, recommended, “If you want to lose belly fat, you should combine ABC juice with aerobic exercise, such as walking for at least 30 minutes a day, for greater effectiveness.” Although ABC juice has the effect of reducing the amount of food consumed by stimulating bowel movements and providing a feeling of fullness, it is not enough to satisfactorily remove belly fat that has already accumulated a large amount of fat.
Reporter Kyung-hee Yoon

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