권고사직 위로금 Can I receive compensation for notifying my resignation a week in advance?

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Recommended resignation is when an employee accepts the employer’s recommendation to resign and resigns. The company has no obligation to pay compensation or other compensation. There are cases where consolation money is paid during the settlement process. Unilateral termination of the employment relationship by the company against the will of the employee is dismissal, and if 30 days advance notice is not given to an employee who has continued to work for more than 3 months, notice of dismissal allowance must be paid. 
Recommended resignation is when an employee accepts the employer’s recommendation to resign and resigns. The company has no obligation to pay compensation or other compensation. There are cases where consolation money is paid during the settlement process.
Unilateral termination of the employment relationship by the company against the will of the employee is dismissal, and if 30 days advance notice is not given to an employee who has continued to work for more than 3 months, notice of dismissal allowance must be paid. 
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