새마을금고 고객센터 및 전화번호 Saemaeul Geumgo customer center and phone number

Today we will learn about Saemaeul Geumgo’s customer center and phone number. If you encounter any inconveniences or inquiries while doing banking business, you may contact the customer service center or visit the branch directly for face-to-face consultation.

새마을금고 고객센터

새마을금고 고객센터

Saemaul Geumgo is well-known in the secondary financial sector and is widely used by many people.We will also introduce you to ways to find out the business hours of your nearest Saemaeul Geumgo.

Saemaeul Geumgo Customer Center

Saemaeul Geumgo customer center phone numbers are 1588-8801 and 1599-9000. Saemaul Geumgo consultation hours are from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays. Accident reports are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and for deduction inquiries, please call 1599-9010.

Saemaeul Geumgo Customer Center Phone Number: 1599-9000, 82-2-2192-0200

Deduction inquiry: 1599-9010

Email: support@kfcc.co.kr

Consultation hours: Weekdays 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

ARS shortcut number

No. 1: Check account inquiry and transaction history

No. 2: Transfer and deposit/withdrawal

No. 3: Card service

Number 4: Pay utility bills

No. 5: Loan service

No. 6: Other financial services

👇 Go to Saemaeul Geumgo (Android)

👇Go to Saemaeul Geumgo (iPhone)

Saemaul Geumgo Branch Business Hours

You can find a Saemaul Geumgo branch on the Saemaul Geumgo website. You can check the location, address, phone number, etc. before visiting.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the customer center operating hours?

Saemaeul Geumgo Customer Center is open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekdays. Closed on weekends and public holidays.

What tasks can be handled through ARS?

Through ARS, you can handle tasks such as account inquiry, transaction history confirmation, transfer, deposit/withdrawal, card loss report and reissue, utility bill payment, and loan repayment.

What do I do when I can’t connect to customer service?

Outside of customer center operating hours, you can use the ARS system or contact us again the next business day. You can also leave an inquiry via email.

How do I use the customer center overseas?

If you are using the customer center from overseas, please call +82-2-1599-9000.

Are there any call fees when using ARS?

Standard phone rates apply when using domestically, and international calling rates apply when using abroad.

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