자대배치조회 및 신병부대배치조회(육군,해군,공군,해병대) Unit placement inquiry and new unit placement inquiry (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps)

Today we will learn about how to check student group placement. After completing training at the training center, you will be assigned to your unit. The latest new unit classification results are provided through a text notification service, but you can also check them in advance online.



You can check the unit placement of new recruits on the official websites of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. There is a time when you can check your group placement, so please refer to it and check.

Group placement inquiry
Army unit deployment inquiry
You can receive information on the results of your new unit classification via text message and the Internet. However, before that, I will introduce a way to check.

Group placement inquiry
Group placement inquiry
The education regiment placement will be sent to your parents’ number on the Wednesday following your enlistment date. However, you can search faster than that through the link below.

Group placement inquiry
For consultation inquiries: 042) 550-7303 ~ 7306, 7366
Consultation available on weekdays 9:00 – 16:00 / Wednesdays 9:00 – 14:30 (lunch time 12:00 – 13:00)
Find my child

A service available at the Army Training Center is ‘Find My Child’.

Group placement inquiry
Access the Army Training Center website
Participation forum > Find my child
Enter enlistment date, date of birth and name
Confirm after inquiry
Internet letter writing is possible within this site. You can also check the menu table, so please refer to it.

Group placement inquiry
Unit placement inquiry time

Please note that the unit placement inquiry time varies depending on the date of enlistment and the unit in which you are receiving training.

Army Training Center: Graduation Ceremony Tuesday 13:30
Jijaksa Recruit Training Battalion: Friday, 14:00, 3rd week of enlistment
2nd Operations Command Recruit Training Battalion: 4th week of enlistment, Thursday 16:00
Military School: Curriculum (Week 1-2) Wednesday 13:30
Transportation Education Solidarity: 13:30 on Wednesday of the week of completion
Navy unit deployment inquiry
This is how to check Navy unit placement (platoon placement). You can view it below.

Group placement inquiry
You can even see the company and platoon range.
You can also ask questions in the Q&A menu.
Group placement inquiry
Air Force unit deployment inquiry

This is how to check Air Force unit deployment. The Air Force speaks of assignment rather than unit assignment. Placement of assignment is determined based on overall educational performance and the student’s wishes.

Group placement inquiry
Includes basic military training and special education grades
Date of assignment decision: After 18:00 on the special training completion date
Group placement inquiry
For consultation inquiries: 055) 751-6424 / 070-8896-3211 (applicable to air defense artillery specialties)
Consultation available Monday – Friday 8:30 – 17:00
Marine Corps unit deployment inquiry

Unit placement inquiries for enlisted Marines can also be done in a similar way on the official website.

Group placement inquiry
Enlisted Soldiers Corner → Unit Placement Inquiry
After entering the number, name, and date of birth, click ‘Search’.
Group placement inquiry
Today we learned how to check the deployment of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. I think we all have the same desire to make sure our loved ones are doing well.