신용정보 조회 이력 How do I check my credit information inquiry history?

How do I check my credit information inquiry history?
1. Credit information?

Imagine! Say you lent money to a friend. Do you want to know if your friend is good at repaying money or if there are cases where he/she is unable to repay money? Credit information shows our economic activity records in this way.

2. What is credit information inquiry history? 신용정보 조회 이력

It records who checked our credit information. You can think of it as a kind of ‘logbook’ that tells us who has looked at our economic activity records.

3. Why should I check my credit information inquiry history? 이베이스매뉴얼

신용정보 조회 이력

To check whether my credit information is properly managed
To check whether your credit information has been searched without your consent
To prevent credit information theft
4. How to check credit information inquiry history

4.1. Visit to a financial institution

Visit the branch of your bank or financial institution in person
Present ID
Apply for issuance of credit information inquiry history
4.2. Use a credit inquiry company

Access credit inquiry company websites such as NICE Rating Information, Korea Credit Information Service, and Korea Credit View
After registering as a member, proceed with the identity verification process.
Check credit information inquiry history
4.3. Use of public certificate

Access the Financial Supervisory Service’s electronic civil service website using a public certificate.
Select the ‘View your credit information’ menu
Check credit information inquiry history
5. Precautions

Credit information inquiry history can be checked for free
Free inquiry once every 4 months
A fee will be charged for additional inquiries within 4 months
If your credit information has been checked without your consent, report it to a credit inquiry company or the Financial Supervisory Service.
6. Learn more

7. Quiz!

When you lend money to a friend, how do you make sure that your friend repays the money?
Why is it important to check your credit information inquiry history?
How do I check my credit information inquiry history?
8. Discussion

Let’s discuss the importance of credit information with your friends.
What can we do to prevent credit information theft?
9. Cartoon

Let’s express the information about credit information and credit information inquiry history through a cartoon.

10. Games

Let’s make a game that matches words and descriptions related to credit information.