신한마이카 중고차 대출 Shinhan My Car loan conditions | Shinhan My Car Official Affiliate Store LHB

신한마이카 중고차 대출▪︎Enter the code input field when applying and 0.1% preferential interest rate will be applied
*You can find out the available loan limit through a bank review after applying and receiving documents*
– 19 years of age or older who passed the guarantee insurance eligibility screening (employed income earner / business income earner / pension income earner / real estate owner) Loan limited to 80% of the (sale) price
– Passenger cars and vans (all types of vehicles) – Private taxis – Trucks (2.5 tons or less) – Camping cars (new cars) – Caravans – Large two-wheeled vehicles (over 260cc) *When purchasing a used car, only vehicles within 15 years from the date of initial registration are eligible.
If you want to know more details, please contact us anytime!! Telephone consultation is available from 09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays, and 1:1 chat consultation (plus friend consultation) is available outside of business days on weekdays, but there may be a delay.
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신한마이카 중고차 대출
