2024년 긴급복지 생계지원금 13.16% increase in emergency welfare livelihood support in 2024 < General < Press release < Press release < Notification: A supportive lifelong friend, Ministry of Health and Welfare

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The Ministry of Health and Welfare (Minister Cho Kyu-hong) will administratively announce the revision of the relevant notice* from December 6 (Wed) to December 18 (Mon) in order to increase the amount of emergency welfare support and livelihood support and improve financial asset standards in 2024, and will issue an administrative notice by December 1, 2024. It was announced that it will take effect from the 1st of March.
*「Based on the total amount of emergency support support amount and assets」, 「Based on financial assets」
Emergency welfare support* is a system that provides temporary and quick support for livelihood, housing, medical care, etc. to low-income people who have difficulty maintaining their livelihood due to crisis situations such as loss of income due to unemployment. The main contents of the revised notice are as follows.
* (Request for support) Jurisdictional city, county, district (eup, myeon, dong), Health and Welfare Counseling Center (☏129)
* (Report) Anyone who discovers a person eligible for emergency support reports it to the support request agency.
The amount of emergency welfare livelihood support will increase by 13.16% to 1,833,500 won per month for a four-person household in accordance with the increase in the National Basic Living Security livelihood benefit in 2024.
< Plan to increase emergency welfare livelihood support amount in 2024 >
(Unit: KRW/month)
* If the number of household members is 7 or more, an additional 286,900 won is paid for each additional person.

Fuel costs* are being supported by increasing from 110,000 won per month to 150,000 won per month starting February 22, 2023, in response to the rapid increase in heating costs, and will continue to apply in 2024.
* Fuel costs are supported during the winter (October to March of the following year) for households receiving emergency welfare, livelihood, and housing support.

Financial assets, which are the criteria for selecting emergency welfare support recipients, will be unified by a notification from a dual system of guidelines and notifications, and improved to reflect the median income as of 2024 and the amount of financial assets for each household member.
< 2024 Emergency Welfare Financial Asset Standards >
(Unit: Won)
* The amount equivalent to the median income as of 2023 is deducted once for expenses for maintaining daily life.
Jeong Yun-soon, Director of Social Welfare Policy at the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said, “We hope that this improvement in support standards, including an increase in the amount of emergency welfare support and livelihood support, will help low-income households in crisis situations,” and added, “We will continue to provide emergency welfare to actively protect crisis households in the future.” “We will continue to work to strengthen support,” he said.
Organizations or individuals who have opinions on this amendment can submit their opinions to the Basic Livelihood Security Department of the Ministry of Health and Welfare by Monday, December 18, 2023.
Detailed information on the amendment can be found on the Ministry of Health and Welfare website (www.mohw.go.kr) → Information → Laws → Legislative/Administrative Notice Electronic Public Hearing.

○ Submission location
– Address: (30113) 13 Doum 4-ro, Sejong Special Self-Governing City, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Basic Livelihood Security Department (6th floor)
– FAX: 044-202-3949
○ Information
– Opinions for each item on administrative notices (pros and cons and opinions)
– Name (if it is a corporation or other organization, its name and representative’s name), address and phone number
– Other notes, etc.
Overview of the emergency welfare support system
1. Partial amendment to the “Emergency Assistance Support Amount and Total Standard of Assets”
2. Partial amendment to the “Financial Asset Standards”
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2024년 긴급복지 생계지원금
