지하철 분실물 찾는 방법 How to find lost items in the subway

It is said that 110,000 subway lost items occur annually, or 360 cases per day. It is said that a lot of subway items are lost, especially on rainy days or on Friday evenings when people have urgent appointments. This time, we will learn how to find subway lost items and the phone number and location of the Lost and Found Center.

지하철 분실물

지하철 분실물

In the past, the only way was to report it to the lost and found center on the relevant route, but these days, there are many ways to find lost items. As such, the chances of finding lost items on the subway have greatly increased.

How to find lost items in the subway

Register at the customer safety office

If you lose something on the subway, there are three things you should immediately remember. If you lose an item, you may not remember it right away, but if you remember the information below as accurately as possible and visit the station office or subway lost and found center, you can quickly find the lost item.

Location of the subway you got off: Remember the compartment number written at the foot of the platform (train compartment and number you boarded)

Remember where you lost your item

Sections and times of train boarding and exiting stations

Detailed information of the lost item (ex: product capture from the Internet)

Once reported and accepted, the lost item report information will be delivered to the relevant station and train. When the train arrives at the final station, a staff member will go to the appropriate compartment of the train and check for lost items. If you have lost an item, you will be contacted and steps will be taken to determine how to receive it.

When passing through the turnstile with a card

Since the station information and passage time of the ticket gate you passed through are recorded on the card, it can be of great help in finding lost items. If you present the card you used to ride the subway to the station attendant, the station attendant will recognize your card and obtain your boarding information.

In case of objects dropped on the tracks

The fastest way is to apply at the customer safety office at the relevant station. As soon as the subway ends, staff will go down to the tracks and collect lost items. You can receive it as early as the next day. Alternatively, you can request delivery by courier, cash on delivery, but please note that it may take some time.

Contact the Lost and Found Center

There is a way to contact the subway lost and found center operated by each line. The subway lost and found center holds numerous lost items that have not found their owners. Unless someone intentionally took it, most lost items are stored in a lost and found center.

Lost and Found Center Information

You can contact the lost and found center of the relevant route directly, but you can also check through the ‘National Police Agency Lost and Found Comprehensive Management System Portal’. Starting in 2023, all reports of lost and found in subways nationwide have been transferred to the National Police Agency’s integrated lost and found portal.

National Police Agency Lost and Found Comprehensive Management System

Detailed images and information on the lost item are also provided, so you can check if it is yours. The biggest advantage is that you can check not only lost items reported to the customer safety room or lost and found center, but also lost items brought to the police station.


Today we learned how to find lost items in the subway. I’ve summarized it. Even if you are careful, there may be times when you lose it, but I hope that you manage it with care and that if you lose it, you can find it as soon as possible.

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