무료사주 사이트 추천(회원가입 X) Recommended free fortune telling site (sign up X)

Today, I will recommend a free fortune telling site. As the new year begins, many people go to read fortunes or fortune telling, and I would like to tell you about a free fortune telling website that you can use for fun. If you want to see fortune telling, but don’t want to pay to see it, try using a free site.

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Free fortune telling site

Samsung Life Insurance

You can check today’s horoscope for free at Samsung Life Insurance. You can also find fortune telling in the ‘Shinto Jeongbigyeol’ menu.


You can check the results for free by selecting the menu you want on the site, selecting your gender and date of birth.

Nate’s fortune

It is operated on a portal site, and categories include New Year’s horoscope, monthly horoscope, lifetime horoscope, compatibility, and tarot.

one hundred points

It is a popular free horoscope site that provides New Year’s horoscopes, horoscopes by zodiac sign, love horoscopes, lifetime horoscopes, compatibility, etc.

Gosan Philosophy Museum

This site is run by a person who published daily horoscopes in the Chosun Ilbo. You can use Jamidusu, a fortune telling method using Neo-Confucianism, to briefly look at the overall content, including personality and information about your spouse.

Shinhan Life

You can view your lifetime horoscope on the Shinhan Life website. It is recommended that you enter your date of birth and city accurately, as we analyze your fortunes for the rest of your life.

After accessing the Shinhan Life website, you can use the Benefits – Lifestyle Services – Fortune Telling/Foreign Fortune – Authentic Fortune – Lifetime Fortune menu. Shinhan Life’s fortune telling service is free, but you can see various fortunes and fortune telling.

Fortune Plus

A fortune telling site called Fortune Plus offers free fortune telling. Click on the full menu to see your life fortune or lifetime fortune among the free fortunes. Dangsaju interprets one’s luck in life through fortune telling method.

What feels good

It is a site with the longest and most realistic interpretations. It is a good site where you can check various interpretations such as today’s horoscope, New Year’s horoscope, lifetime fortune, life interpretation, compatibility, constellation, blood type horoscope, and current horoscope.

Naver free fortune telling

Access Naver and search for ‘Naver Fortune’ in the search bar.

Follow the instructions and enter your gender and birth date.

Today’s fortune telling, the year’s fortune telling (New Year’s fortune fortune telling) can be checked

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You can also see free fortune telling on the Pomppu site. It includes overall luck, early years luck, middle years luck, later years luck, love and wealth luck, and career luck. It is easier to understand because it is explained in a way that is more realistic and relevant to everyday life than expected.

Asian Economy

Asian Economic Fortune is one of the most famous free fortune telling compatibility sites. You can solve a variety of issues including traditional fortune telling, Tojeong secrets, compatibility, name interpretation, naming, and dream interpretation.

You can easily use it by selecting the part you are curious about from the various menus. You can check your four weeks by entering your gender, date of birth, and birth time and clicking the View Results button. In particular, the explanation is given as if a fortune teller is explaining the fortune, so you can feel as if you have visited the place in person.


Today, we learned about free fortune telling sites. I recommend that you read it with a light heart and not put too much faith in horoscopes or fortune telling.

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