노인장기요양등급 Long-term care insurance for the elderly, are there any differences by level?? – Senior Talk_Customer Support

노인장기요양등급So, what level of care will our father, mother, grandfather, and grandmother receive? You will need to check which institutions you can go to with the long-term care benefits.
We will tell you how to find out in advance through the long-term care insurance rating test!
*Data source: National Health Insurance Corporation long-term care insurance
The standard for long-term care insurance rating is not a subjective standard, but a long-term care recognition score that indexes “How much help (long-term care) is needed in daily life depending on the state of mental and physical functioning?”
Based on the long-term care recognition score, the level is determined into the following six levels.
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The condition will be different for each elderly person, from level 1 to level 5, or cognitive support level. As such, the level of care required varies depending on the level.
​Level 1 seniors have difficulty moving on their own and are bedridden, so they especially need help. Many people have conditions that make it difficult to care for them at home because they have difficulty changing positions or moving to the toilet on their own and need constant help. In many cases, admission to a nursing hospital or nursing home is necessary.
Grade 2 seniors often have difficulty moving around on their own and can only eat and brush their teeth while sitting in a chair or wheelchair.
In the case of seniors in grades 3 and 4, they are able to live to some extent if their guardians provide support or assistance. You can walk or move around using welfare equipment such as a silver car (walker for the elderly) or a cane.
Grade 5 seniors have dementia and their cognitive abilities are significantly reduced. When going out, you need to be accompanied by a guardian and care is required.
If so, how much salary cost is deducted by hour?
It is almost the same as in 2021, but some costs have increased for sections between 150 and 240 minutes.
*Data source: Senior Talk website long-term care grade pre-test
Before determining the long-term care rating, are you curious about what the long-term care rating for the elderly will be like?
If you can predict the grade in advance, the guardian will be able to make a plan as to whether to take the child to a nursing home, a nursing hospital, a day and night care center, or home visit care. In order to be helpful before applying, it was created based on the questionnaire from the National Health Insurance Corporation’s Long-Term Care Recognition Survey, and was made to be as similar to the actual survey results as possible.
(※ Note: The expected score for long-term care grading for the elderly provided by Senior Talk Talk was created based on the data on the long-term care grading standards announced by the government. However, the symptoms of the elderly as judged by the actual long-term care insurance evaluator Because it may be different from what the person feels or what the guardian knows, it may not match the final actual grade. This is for reference only and is not legally binding in any way, and Senior Talk Talk is not responsible for this result and the customer is responsible for the nursing care. It was created as a reference to help you decide on a method.)
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Source of full text: Senior Talk Talk Naver Blog
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My father is currently in level 4, and he visited the corporation to apply for renewal.
I think it will probably be level 3 or level 2, but if you go up from level 4, please let me know what the difference is.
He is currently receiving family treatment.
If I go up to level 3, will my out-of-pocket expenses go up higher when I go to the facility?
Hello, this is Senior Talk Talk. If a senior renews his/her level, the facilities available to him/her will increase. If you reach level 2, you can use the home benefits or facility benefits you are currently using. If you are at level 3, your monthly usage limit will increase depending on your level. In other words, your out-of-pocket expenses will also increase, but not by a large amount.
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