오픽 등급표 [OPIC rating] OPIC score? Don’t be confused anymore! : Naver Blog

오픽 등급표What on earth is the OPIC rating?

”I’m planning to take the OPIC test. But how will my OPIC score come out?”

”I took the OPIC test. But what is the OPIC grade?”

We prepared this for these people.

Today, we will take a closer look at OPIC’s scoring system and ratings.


After taking the test, what questions were asked and what was the test site like? What I’m most curious about rather than other people’s reviews is the score and report card.
Since OPIC is also an English speaking evaluation test, the result is a score!
However, the OPIC score is not a numerical score such as 90 or 990 that we commonly know.
It’s not the su, u, mi, yang, or gado written in alphabet letters on elementary school report cards.
Like college grades, the scores are not in alphabetical order like A, B, C, D, F.

01_OPIC is a grade (level) of Advanced > Intermediate > Novice level

OPIC test results are largely in the following order: Advanced > Intermediate > Novice.
The above rating table created by O-Pick management company is a diamond with a good sense.
Advanced, at the top, is, as the word suggests, the best OPIC level. It is usually expressed as OPIC AL grade.
Low does not mean a low score. It’s Low, but it’s Advanced!

And below that is Intermediate. If you count the number/woo/mi/amount/horizontal of memories, the score is equivalent to “woo”.
Even within Intermediate, there is High > Mid > Low.
Speaking of OPIC IH grade, it is Intermediate High.
Speaking of OPIC IM grade, it is Intermediate Mid.
Speaking of OPIC IL grade, it is Intermediate Low.
The lower you go, the lower your OPIC score will be!
This also applies to Novices.
Let’s find out more?

02_OPIC grade, high, middle, low

As you can see in the OPIC rating table above, except for Advanced,
Intermediate and Novice have High, Mid, and Low. From broadly divided levels to more detailed grades
The level of speaking skills required for each grade is slightly different.
As the level increases, the completeness or complexity of the sentences required increases.
Also, the more accurate your pronunciation and the more you say sentences as if you were really saying them, the better OPIC grade you can get.
If you speak with a stutter or your sentences are too memorized, your OPIC rating will be lowered.

At this point, I am proud of the clever ~
provides easy-to-understand and simple explanations of pronunciation errors that Koreans often make. There aren’t many OPIC books like this~.

03_OPIC AL, IH, IM1, IM2, IM3 are abbreviations for OPIC grades

Our job seekers, if you look at the employment conditions, you’ve often seen the phrase “IM2 or higher”, right?
When you get information from cafes, blogs, or acquaintances to start studying OPIC,
“I will run hard today to conquer AL.”
“Please IM2.. I want it… mud mud mud mud…” etc…
You may have heard many unfamiliar expressions.
What the heck does this mean!!! I think you must have thought about this a lot.

Words such as AL, IH, IM, and NH are all abbreviations.
Just as we call bus stop Bujeong (really?), Starbucks as Starbucks, KakaoTalk as KakaoTalk, Facebook as Facebook, and TOEIC speaking as Toss, we also abbreviate OPIC level (OPIC level) because the word itself is long.

A common example of abbreviation, KakaoTalk! (=knock knock!)

In short,
AL=Advanced Low———-> Highest

IH=Intermediate High—-> Intermediate High
IM=Intermediate Mid——> Middle
IL=Intermediate Low——> Intermediate Low

NH=Novice High————–> Below this
NM=Novice Mid
NL=Novice Low

Each stage is called by its initial letter, such as AL, IH, IM, NH.

04_OPIC IM is further divided into numbers 1, 2, and 3

The OPIC IM grade is subdivided into:
This is to increase the discrimination power of the IM stage, where the largest number of applicants are distributed among the OPIC grades.
This standard is divided into the following order: 1 (low) < 2 (middle) < 3 (high), depending on the level of fluency, amount of speech, and speech method. If you don't believe me, Mitte...  >> The OPIC grade required by most companies is IM2.

05_Is my skill level now equivalent to that of mulberry?

OPIC grade ranging from AL to IH
People who have experience living overseas or who are confident by studying English conversation consistently and in-depth in Korea

OPIC level ranging from IM to IL
People who are able to communicate casually when meeting foreign people and can say what they want to say and what they need to say in simple sentences without making a big fuss.

OPIC grade between NH and NL
Those who are afraid of English, are too nervous to speak well in front of foreigners, or are unable to demonstrate their usual skills during exams

One way or another, in the end, you have to do well in the exam room…

In the next post, I will take a closer look at how to get the OPIC grade I want. ^-^

Detailed post about the OPIC book –> GOGO~~

If you are curious about the price of the OPIC book –> GOGO~~~

Until the next generation
worth reading
I make a book.

오픽 등급표
