마그네슘 효능 ‘Kalmadi’, a nutrient for middle-aged people, should be eaten this way to be effective < General health < Health · Disease < Text of article - Health in News

마그네슘 효능The biggest reason why middle-aged people should be careful about kalmadi intake is because of osteoporosis. Compound fractures caused by osteoporosis are an important cause of death from old age. For this reason, calcium intake becomes important. Magnesium and vitamin D play a role in helping the absorption and use of calcium.
The calcium in your bones comes from magnesium, and the calcium you eat comes from vitamin D.
To easily understand the role of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D, the concept of savings can be applied. Calcium plays a physiological role in our body, not only in building bones and teeth, but also preventing blood acidification and helping muscle contraction. Most of the calcium is stored in the bones, and only a small amount is contained in the blood and used for physiological functions. However, when the concentration of calcium in the blood becomes insufficient, ‘parathyroid hormone’ removes the calcium stored in the bones. If this becomes excessive, osteoporosis occurs when the calcium stored in the blood becomes insufficient.
Magnesium and vitamin D play a role in maintaining blood calcium levels by using calcium inside and outside the body. Magnesium, along with calcium, regulates muscle contraction (calcium) and relaxation (magnesium), and when there is a lack of calcium in the blood, it sends a signal to bring calcium from the bones into the blood. In other words, magnesium plays a role in releasing the calcium stored in the bones and using it.
Vitamin D helps absorb ingested calcium. If you don’t have vitamin D, even if you consume calcium, it will just be excreted out of the body. In other words, vitamin D increases calcium levels in the blood, preventing the need to retrieve calcium from the bones. In addition, it also plays a role in improving immunity.
So when and how is it best to take calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D? There are a few rules.
1. Be careful of excessive intake of calcium
The core of Kalmadi is calcium. The problem is that excessive intake of calcium can cause side effects. There are reports that if the amount of calcium in the blood rises too high, the risk of cardiovascular disease may increase due to vascular calcification, a hardening of blood vessels. Additionally, if it accumulates in the kidneys and joints, an inflammatory reaction may occur. According to the Korean Nutritional Intake Standards, the recommended daily calcium intake for Korean adults is 700 mg, and women over 50 years of age are recommended to consume 800 mg. If you usually eat a lot of foods containing calcium, such as milk, dairy products, and beans, it is helpful to choose a calcium nutritional supplement with a calcium content slightly lower than the recommended standard. If you suffer from hypercalcemia, you should consult your doctor first before taking Kalmadi nutritional supplements.
2. Calcium and vitamin D together if possible
There are a variety of nutritional supplements on the market that can be consumed at once by combining kalmadi. However, there are many people who take these nutrients separately. In this case, it is best to take calcium and vitamin D together. Vitamin D helps calcium to be absorbed from the small intestine, but if the intake time is different, the amount of calcium absorbed may be reduced.
3. Magnesium in the evening when taken separately
Magnesium not only plays a role in regulating calcium levels in the blood, but it also helps relax muscles and calm excitement and stress. For this reason, taking it in the evening, when the body’s functions are relaxed, can help you sleep well and relieve fatigue. It doesn’t matter when you take calcium and vitamin D, but since calcium functions in muscle contraction, it is more advantageous to take it in the morning.
4. Do not consume with coffee
It is best not to drink coffee for 1 to 2 hours before and after taking Kalmadi nutritional supplements. This is because the caffeine in coffee blocks vitamin D absorption receptors secreted in the small intestine, preventing calcium absorption. It also promotes diuresis, allowing calcium to pass out through urine more quickly. Therefore, it is best not to drink coffee while calcium and vitamin D are being absorbed, and if you drink coffee first, it is effective to wait about 2 hours for all the caffeine to disappear before consuming these nutrients.
5. It is helpful to take vitamin K together.
Consuming kalmadi does not directly increase bone calcium concentration. Kalmadi’s main function is to help regulate calcium levels in the blood so that calcium stored in bones is not used. If you want to get the effect of storing the calcium you ingest into your bones, taking vitamin K2 is helpful. A protein called ‘osteocalcin’ helps calcium move into bones, and vitamin K2 plays a role in activating this protein.

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