타오바오 직배송 How to ship directly from Taobao (Taobao delivered directly to a Korean address)

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When you think of purchasing directly, there may be people who think of delivery first. you’re right. Originally, I was able to have it delivered to my house through delivery. But recently, I happened to go to Taobao and found out that it can be shipped directly to Korea. So, I searched for various materials and proceeded with the purchase with half anticipation and half doubt. But it took me a very long time to find out if this was really right or not, but when I actually tried it, it was really easy. If you want to try direct purchasing, please give it a try. It’s so easy. Well then, I’ll stop talking and get started right away.

Unfortunately, not all products on Taobao can be shipped directly. Only certain products shipped directly from the seller were eligible for delivery. So which products work and which don’t??

Products that can be shipped directly from Taobao Korea are marked as shown in the image above. When you go to the product you want to buy, shipping information is displayed on the detail page.

However, some products may be disconnected in the middle. These are called combined shipping, not direct shipping.

For direct delivery, you pay the shipping fee in advance, and although the shipping fee is a little expensive, it is shipped as soon as it arrives at the warehouse.
Combined shipping is used when items purchased from multiple sellers are combined into one box. So later, when the goods arrive at the warehouse, we deduct the weight and pay the shipping fee later.

Whether combined shipping or direct shipping is better may vary from person to person, but I only tried direct shipping as a test.

-Personal customs clearance code number
-Zip code
-Cards available for overseas payments

1. First, check whether the product can be shipped directly.
2. Enter your name, mobile phone number, and detailed address to purchase the product. At this time, it is written in Korean.
(For cell phone numbers, start with 010.)

3. Check the written address and enter your personal customs clearance number. It’s a 12-digit number that starts with P.

4. Select the payment window and register a card that supports overseas payments.
Enter card number, name, expiration date, and CVC number.

5. Once your card payment is complete, your order is complete and all you have to do is wait for it to be delivered.

Today, we told you about Taobao’s direct delivery to Korea and how to order products. Next, I will tell you about the delivery process. Looking at other reviews, it seems that it will arrive within a week, so I hope it arrives without any problems~!! It was so much easier than using a delivery service and I was able to do it as if I was just buying a product in Korea. Of course, the disadvantages are that it is not possible to check whether the product is defective because it does not go through delivery, and that the delivery fee is more expensive as the weight increases, but I am very satisfied with direct delivery and have used it. If you wanted to buy something but couldn’t because of the shipping cost, give it a try~!!

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