국가 자격증 종류 Learn about national certification types (professional, technical)

Today we will learn about the types of national certifications. National qualifications are largely divided into national technical qualifications and national professional qualifications. Let us take a closer look at their contents.

For reference, private certifications are literally certificates issued by private companies and are different from national certifications.

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See all about national certification
What is a national certification?
National qualifications refer to qualifications newly established and managed by the state in accordance with laws and regulations. In other words, it means a certificate issued by an officially recognized public institution (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Employment and Labor, etc.).

Therefore, when you want to check which certification is a national certification, you can check whether there are related laws and regulations and whether the organization that manages and operates the certification system is a national administrative agency.

For national certifications, the relevant ministries do not conduct qualification tests, but related work is often entrusted to affiliated organizations or related associations, so the organizations that conduct qualification tests and the organizations that manage and issue certificates are often different.

National Certification Type
Differences from nationally recognized qualifications
The qualifications that are most often confused with national qualifications are nationally recognized qualifications. The correct name for a nationally recognized qualification is a nationally recognized private qualification, which is a private qualification created, managed and operated by a private company, that is, an individual, corporation, or organization, rather than the government.

Therefore, strictly speaking, nationally recognized qualifications should be viewed separately from private qualifications, that is, national qualifications recognized by the state, and unlike national qualifications, there is no need to change the law to create, change, or abolish the qualification system, so the qualification system can be established. They can be changed or eliminated more easily.

National Certification Type
National certification types are largely divided into national technical certification and national professional certification.

The national technical qualification is a qualification implemented in accordance with the ‘National Technical Qualification Act’, and the national professional qualification is a qualification implemented in accordance with individual laws implemented in accordance with the ‘Certified Public Accountant Act’.

Types of national technical qualifications
Among national qualifications, these are certificates in technology, skills and service fields related to the industry, and the type of qualification is determined depending on the job field and grade.

National technical qualification grade: This is a level of national technical qualification that is granted differentially according to the level of job performance ability possessed by technical personnel. The technical and functional fields are divided into five levels: technician, master craftsman, technician, industrial engineer, and technician, and the service field. It is classified as level 1, level 2, level 3 or single level.
National technical qualification job fields: National technical qualifications are classified according to the content of job performance required in industrial sites.
National Certification Type
There are a total of 544 national technical certifications, 511 in technology and functional fields, and 33 in service fields.

National Certification Type
✅ Go to National Technology Certification Types
Types of national professional qualifications
There are various national professional certifications depending on the relevant ministry. Most of the relevant ministries entrust the management and operation of certificates to related associations as they are affiliated organizations.

Currently, there are 185 types of national professional certifications. In some cases, each certification is divided into detailed grades (level 1, level 2, level 3) or categories (by field), so there are more types of national qualifications in detail.

The types of national professional qualifications are as follows, depending on the relevant ministries, underlying laws, and enforcement agencies.

National Certification Type
National Certification Type
National Certification Type
✅ Go to National Professional Qualification Types
National technical qualification test procedure
Question preparation and management of national technical qualification test questions
Issuance of certificates for those who have passed the final national technical qualification and follow-up management of those who have obtained the qualifications
National technical qualification test implementation management
National Certification Type
✅ Go to National Technical Qualification Test Procedure Guide
Test schedule by national certification type
Both national technical qualifications and national professional qualifications have a set exam schedule, so you must check the schedule of the qualification you want to obtain to avoid missing anything.

✅ Go to National Certification National Technical Qualification Test Schedule
✅ Go to National Certification National Professional Qualification Test Schedule
Types of National Certifications Conclusion
Today, we learned about the types of national certifications. There are a variety of certifications in many fields, so I hope you can upgrade your future career or capabilities by choosing the certification that suits your aptitude and ability.국가 자격증 종류