넷플릭스 해지방법 How to cancel Netflix

넷플릭스 해지방법Cancel Your Streaming Membership
Cancel Your DVD Membership From Your Account Page
You will not be charged again unless you re-sign up for your account. If you cancel while your billing period remains, you will be able to use Netflix until your billing period ends and your account is automatically closed.
If you do not see a cancel option on your account, you will need to close your account through your payment company. You will see a link on your account page that will guide you through the cancellation process through your payment company or direct you to contact your payment company for cancellation.
If you cancel while the billing period remains, you can use Netflix until the billing period ends. Check your billing details to find out when your account will be closed.
If you close your account while it is on hold, it will be terminated immediately.
After closing your account, you will still have access to Netflix for the number of months equivalent to your Netflix gift card or promotional balance. Once your balance is depleted, you will lose access to Netflix.
You can re-sign up for your Netflix account at any time.
Netflix retains your viewing history for 10 months after account termination, so if you re-sign up during that period, your viewing history will remain available. For 10 months, you will also have access to the following information:
Featured content
Account details
game record
Saved content for the game (however, for games that do not support cloud saving, the game and game data must still be installed on the device on which the game was played)
To ensure that no one in your household can rejoin Netflix without your permission, we recommend that you change your password after canceling your membership. At this point, you must select the checkbox marked Sign out of all devices. This will change your current password and sign you out of any device that may still be signed in to your Netflix account.

넷플릭스 해지방법
