신용등급 점수 및 신용점수 올리기 Credit rating score and credit score increase

Today, we are going to learn about credit rating scores and how to raise them. Although the credit rating system has been abolished and changed to a credit score system, there are still people who talk about ratings. Also, it is said that financial institutions also refer to credit ratings when checking credit scores.

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신용등급 점수

What is a Credit Score?
Credit score can be seen as reliability related to finance while living a social life. There are two types, KCB and NICE, and they are evaluated with different weights, so there may be differences in scores. As the credit rating system was abolished and the score system was introduced, financial institutions evaluated credit quality with credit scores.


Credit Rating Scorecard
Credit rating agencies include KCB (All Credit) and NICE (My Credit). The two evaluators weigh slightly different weights of items in their scores. KCB (All Credit) puts weight on card use and credit transactions, while NICE (My Credit) puts weight on overdue and past repayment history​.


How to check credit score
You can check it on the credit rating agency Nice Jikimi and the All Credit website, respectively. However, I recommend it because it is more convenient to check two credit scores at Tossbank and Kakao at once.

Toss Bank

“My Credit Score”
‘credit score’
You just have to go in and do a search.


Go to Toss Bank


Click ‘pay’
‘Credit Management’
You just have to go in and do a search.


Go to Kakao

How to improve your credit score
​Efficient credit card use
Credit cards can be either helpful or poisonous, depending on how you use them. It is said that using within 30% of your card limit helps your credit score. We recommend that you use it after raising the limit because you have to pay an unavoidably large amount.

Do not overdue utility bills and taxes
It is also important not to overdue or overdue utility bills or taxes. Cell phone bills, which we take lightly, also affect our credit score, so it is better to apply for automatic debit to avoid non-payment. It’s better to manage it in advance because it’s not as easy as you think and it takes a long time to raise your credit score again.

Do not use cash advance
Nothing has a more devastating impact on your credit score than a cash advance. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is better to look for a loan if you have a really urgent situation.

installment payment
It is recommended to put in a regular deposit, even if it is 50,000 won per month. It is said that it is accepted as a planned consumption as much as it is, and it becomes a plus factor in credit score.


Today, we learned about credit rating scores and how to raise them. Credit is to go up to steady management. I hope you will spend deliberately and manage your credit score well so that you do not have any inconvenience when making financial transactions in the future.



[Good article to read together]


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