장판 가격 및 종류 Lucky Boy :: Flooring Installation Price – Hanwha Monorium Flooring Type Introduction

장판 가격 및 종류First of all, let’s list the types of Hanwha Monorium flooring before the floor construction price.

Charcoal 1.8T
Myeongga Original 2.0T
Myeongga Premium 2.2T
Imperial Family Original 2.7T
Imperial Premium 3.0T
Scream 4.5T
( + Double construction 1.8T )

For reference, the meaning of “T” attached to the number can be interpreted as “mm”. You can interpret it as 1.8mm/2.0mm/2.2mm/2.7mm/3.0mm/4.5mm thickness in order. Of course, the thicker the product, the higher the price of flooring installation. However, Hanwha Monorium Flooring makes it possible to make a reasonable choice because you can choose twice the construction.

[Example of Hanwha flooring double construction]
– When doubled, the price per pyeong +15,000

Hardwood charcoal 1.8T + double construction 1.8T = 3.6T
Myeongga Original 2.0T + Double Construction 1.8T = 3.8T
Myeongga Premium 2.2T + Double Construction 1.8T = 4.0T
Imperial original 2.7T + Double construction 1.8T = 4.5T
Imperial Premium 3.0T + Double Construction 1.8T = 4.8T
Eliminate 4.5T + Double Construction 1.8T = 6.3T

In other words, if you use double construction, you can increase the thickness at a low price. The thicker the floor, the more comfortable walking and noise reduction. It has more shock absorption effect. And the doubly construction material has a moisture barrier that eliminates moisture, which can be a downside to cement floors. In addition, it can bring warmth to the house due to thermal insulation and insulation. It is said that the result of the experiment came out that the warmth increased by 22%.

I think the most important part of the residential interior is the flooring and papering. Flooring is installed periodically. However, if you ask for construction anywhere roughly, the time to replace the floor will come soon. In the construction mall, A-class construction engineers belonging to Hanwha are assigned. When constructing the flooring, it is not simply constructed according to the size, but fixed to the floor with a bond. This way, it can withstand the moisture of the floor better, so it can be durable for a long time. Also, I think you will be visually satisfied because the finish is pretty with the clean construction of A-class engineers.

We explained the price and type of Hanwha flooring construction. You can meet these conditions at the construction mall. And it can be said that it is safe because it is a place where A/S for construction defects is also conducted. Above all, it is a place where meticulous Hanwha professional construction engineers are sent, so it has advantages over individual interior shops, so I think it is a mall worth considering for interior design.

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