예스24 티켓팅 연습 Summary of how to book yes24 concert tickets

예스24 티켓팅 연습Select the performance you want to see > click the Reservation button > select the date and time you want to see.

Choose your preferred seat. Since most people usually make reservations in the same way, if there are a lot of concurrent users, the person who preoccupied
You can choose your seat. Therefore, it is recommended that you select the seat you want to sit in advance and proceed with the reservation, rather than selecting the seat you want to reserve.

Also, since it is a first-come, first-served basis, the seat you want may be reserved by someone in advance, so at least two seats you want in advance before making a reservation.
It is mandatory to choose.

If desired, you must select the discount type and number of copies you wish to receive. Please note that proof may be required for discounts for persons with disabilities and national merit.

Credit cards can only be paid for when discount is selected. If you are booking a very popular concert, we recommend that you boldly skip it.

This is because at that time, other people proceed with payment first, so there may be cases where you cannot book the reservation itself while trying to apply discounts and coupons.
In particular, in the case of Na Hoon-ah, such as Lim Young-woong, trot hero, and goddess Song Ga-in, the reservation often ends within a few minutes after the reservation starts, so please note this.

Choose your preferred pick-up method.

There are usually two methods: on-site pick-up and delivery. On-site pick-up is to receive tickets at the box office on the day of the performance after confirming the identity of the person who purchased the ticket with their ID and reservation number.
In the case of delivery, additional shipping costs will be charged. If all reservations are completed until payment, you can usually pick up within 5 to 7 business days.

In the case of concerts popular with large agencies, it is recommended to have them delivered to your home, as there is a possibility that the box office will be crowded on the day of the performance. Also, when selecting shipping, the orderer confirms
You must have your address entered in advance so you can make a reservation faster than others. If you are not confident, it is also a good way to pick up on site.

Choose your preferred payment method. It is recommended that you prepare a card or other payment method in advance. It is also a good idea to book concert tickets for other performances before purchasing them.

예스24 티켓팅 연습
