연체기록 조회 Telecommunication overdue inquiry How to check unpaid cell phone payment

연체기록 조회There was a telecommunications delay in the past, but now it has been paid off, but those who want to check again or those who want to know if I have an unpaid amount or not can use it.
※ You must verify your identity.
In order to check communication delays, first of all, you must have a means to authenticate yourself. Public I-PIN, mobile phone authentication, public certificate, etc. are required.

※Inquiry of unpaid mobile phone bills.
[Shortcut] ▶Joint management of broadcasting and communication credit information

Access the homepage and select the menu called Verify Your Credit Information.

Also, please check the two boxes labeled Agree as above. If you do not check the box, you will not be able to proceed with communication overdue inquiry.

Select your identity verification method as above and enter your name and social security number. And you can start verifying.

As shown above, the method to check the cell phone unpaid amount can be known immediately if you can simply authenticate.

연체기록 조회

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