세븐일레븐 택배 가격 How to send 7-Eleven courier price inquiry

Let’s look at how to send a 7-Eleven courier price inquiry. Convenience store deliveries have risen so much that they cannot be compared to post office deliveries. In addition, since convenience stores compete on price, you can send parcels at cheaper prices.

세븐일레븐 택배 가격

7-Eleven Courier Price
Let’s find out about 7-Eleven courier prices. I couldn’t find out the price of the 7-Eleven delivery service even when I looked it up on my PC and went to the 7-Eleven website. The answer is in the app. If you go into the 7-Eleven app, press Delivery, and look at the delivery service guide, the price is displayed. 세븐일레븐 택배 가격

Convenience store delivery method for 2,100 won
As of June 2023, the current price is 3200 won with a 300 won discount from 3500 won in the same area, 3700 won with a 300 won discount from 4000 won in other areas, and 6200 won with a 300 won discount from 6500 won in Jeju Island. It is indicated that the rates for the island and mountainous areas are different for each area.

7-Eleven Courier Price 비지니스헬퍼
It is not possible to send any courier. Acceptable couriers are divided according to the set standards. The weight must be less than 20 kg, the sum of the three sides of the box must be less than 160 cm, and the length of the longest side must be less than 100 cm. If you are not sure, please check with a tape measure.

Curiously, if you send a high-value item, a surcharge is added. If the contents of the box exceed 500,000 won and are less than 1 million won, a 50% surcharge is applied. In case of loss of courier, the limit of compensation is 1,000,000 won. It is said that high-value items over 1 million won will not be shipped.

How to send 7-Eleven parcel delivery
In the above article, we looked at the 7-Eleven courier prices. If the price is reasonable, you can send it by courier. We will discuss it in the article below.

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7-Eleven app
The first is the 7-Eleven app. Install the 7-Eleven app. On the first screen, tap the courier icon next to Last Order halfway through. A window will appear where you can check how the current courier price has been formed. Click on Book Delivery.

7-Eleven Courier Price
Enter product information, product price, product name, sender’s address, and recipient’s address and make payment. Visit a 7-Eleven store. There must be a courier machine called Penggu Kim, but press the pre-registration button. Scan the reservation history barcode. Print out the waybill.

Attach the shipping slip to the box to be sent and hand it over to the staff at the counter.

Logi courier finder
The second is the courier finder. If you search for Logiye on PC or Courier Finder on mobile, it will come out. After installation, click the Courier Reservation button at the top. Find and tap Convenience Store Courier. For those who say that it is not necessary to have a 7-Eleven delivery service, there are gs convenience stores, cu convenience stores, and E-Mart 24.

How to receive an urgent parcel in one day
You can use the cheapest convenience store delivery service that suits your current situation. Depending on the period, discount events can be held, so the price varies. Checking the courier finder, the price is cheaper than the official 7-Eleven app. Same ticket 2990 won, other ticket 3490 won.

7-Eleven Courier Price
Click 7-Eleven Courier and enter the sender’s information, the size and quantity of the parcel, and the recipient’s information. After making a reservation, go to a 7-Eleven convenience store and hand it over to an unmanned machine or convenience store worker.

7-Eleven Courier Event
7-Eleven couriers tend to hold a lot of events. So it’s good to find an event and get a discount whenever you do, but where can I check it? The first is the Naver reservation page. Naver is also doing affiliate events with various companies, so it’s good to get a discount.

The second is the official 7-Eleven website. It says that you can get a discount on your lunch box if you pay with any payment method, and that ice cream is halved for a certain period of time. You can check the courier discount period here.

7-Eleven Courier Price
The third is the Rosie Eye app. introduced above. Logiye is a service that can be reserved and viewed by collecting nationwide general courier and convenience store courier services. This app is doing various events to attract customers, so it’s good to check when sending a courier.

Today, we learned how to send a 7-Eleven courier price inquiry. It’s a relatively cheap courier, so I hope you check it out and use it.