냉장고 냄새 제거, 원인에 대해 함께 알아봐요! (feat. 커피찌꺼기/녹차티백) Eliminate refrigerator odor, find out the cause together! (feat. Coffee grounds/Green tea tea bag)

Do you know how to get rid of refrigerator odors? Today, we will look at the refrigerator used in every home, the cause of the refrigerator odor that you often experience, and how to get rid of it. Even in my house, it is common for me to fly more than twice a week. If there is a bad smell every time you open the refrigerator, it will not be pleasant and of course not hygienic.



As a result of searching for information on the Internet, it is said that even a cold refrigerator is an airtight space, so if there are a few germs, they will multiply little by little and quickly. The root cause is said to be bacterial growth. It is said that the same is true for bacterial growth caused by food or contamination from hands.


In addition, the refrigerator has become an indispensable electronic appliance in every household, and it is a place that is opened very often. The smell from this refrigerator can cause discomfort, can also contaminate food, and when eating other foods, It also smells off.


Throwing out expired or spoiled ingredients and cleaning the inside of the refrigerator often is the easiest way to do it, but in this post, we’re going to look at 5 easy ways to get rid of odors in your fridge.



5 Ways to Eliminate Refrigerator Odors
1. Throw away smelly and perishable food
This is the simplest and most reliable way to get rid of odors. In fact, the cause of refrigerator odor is food, and these foods should be removed. And also, pre-processing of expired or perishable food is a way to prevent it. Didn’t you throw it away because you thought you would eat it someday, or because you thought it would be a waste? If it persists, it can worsen the smell of the refrigerator and adversely affect other foods, so please throw it away in advance!



2. Put the coffee grounds on the shelf
There are probably few people who don’t go to cafes these days. And in the house, I have coffee beans or powdered form that can be easily burned at home. As much as that, coffee is probably one of the foods that are getting closer than the refrigerator. These coffee grounds can help a lot in catching odors in the refrigerator. If you go to a nearby cafe, you can get coffee grounds really easily, and it doesn’t cost anything at all. You can also use leftover coffee grounds after drinking drip coffee.



3. Dry green tea bags and put them in the refrigerator.
Green tea bags are also a great way to get rid of refrigerator odors, just like coffee grounds. Like coffee, how about using an old, unused green tea bag at home? You probably have one or two at home. The advantages of putting these green tea bags are: 1. Simple, 2. Excellent deodorizing effect, 3. It can be used even with food in the refrigerator.


There are few downsides, but as you know, the green tea bag is sealed, so the powder does not spill unless you open it yourself.


4. Pour the tray into the ethanol and leave it for a day
The fourth method is the surest and most effective method, but it has the troublesome drawback of having to purchase ethanol from the Internet or a pharmacy. After pouring about 50ml of ethanol on a tray and putting it on the top shelf of the refrigerator for about a day, the smell of the refrigerator that has been bothering me so far will disappear.

냉장고 냄새 제거

The reason it is the surest and most effective method is that ethanol itself has a chemical antibacterial effect, and ethanol slowly volatilizes inside the refrigerator to disinfect it as a whole. If you are worried about the smell of the refrigerator, I hope you try it at least once.

냉장고 냄새 제거


5. Gasket cleaning
The gasket comes in the form of a rubber seal around the refrigerator door. In older refrigerators, these gaskets can build up dirt and grime, causing them to smell. Simply cleaning the gasket with a damp cloth or towel dampened with a mild detergent will remove odors from the refrigerator.


Today, we looked at how to get rid of these refrigerator odors and what causes them. As it is an electronic product that is used for a lifetime, I hope that you take good care of it and keep it clean and well maintained for a long time without odor.