1주택 전세자금대출 1 Complete summary of housing rental loan conditions

1주택 전세자금대출Even if you own one house for investment purposes, if you purchased an apartment that is not subject to regulation (less than 300 million won in speculative areas/overheated speculative areas, less than 900 million won in regulated areas/non-regulated areas), or if you purchased a pre-sale right, villa, etc., a new lease is required. You can get a loan.

Most people who acquire real estate for investment purposes, such as gap investment, do not actually reside there, so they must secure an actual residence through jeonse or monthly rent.
However, there are cases in which it is not possible to receive a lease loan due to real estate market regulations that limit lease loans for single homeowners. You must check whether a jeonse loan is available before investing in real estate to avoid a situation where your funds are blocked.
Through this post, we will learn about the cases in which a homeowner can receive a jeonse loan and the limit amount.


Due to real estate market regulations implemented by the government, the conditions for renting a home for a single homeowner have become considerably more stringent. So why is it important to know the regulatory conditions for jeonse loans?
1 There are two cases where homeowners need a lease loan. ① If you purchase a house while receiving a lease loan, ② If you purchase a house and then receive a lease loan
If you purchase a house with a jeonse loan and are subject to regulations, the jeonse loan will be recovered immediately. In that case, you must obtain a deposit for the house you currently live in by any means possible. Just thinking about it makes me feel dark.
If you have purchased a house and need a lease loan for actual residence purposes, you have already used up the lump sum to purchase the house. If the house you purchased at this time is subject to regulation, you will not be able to receive a new lease loan, so you will not be able to find a house you can live in.
Since a home is an essential commodity for us, both can be difficult situations that we do not want to imagine.

1-home rental loan conditions

1 Even if you own a house, you can receive a jeonse loan if it does not fall under the jeonse loan regulations. 1 Homeowners’ jeonse loan requirements vary depending on the region and price of the apartment purchased.
If the purchased apartment is located in a speculative area or an overheated speculation zone, the lease loan will be recovered immediately if the apartment price exceeds 300 million won. Or, you cannot get a new lease loan.
Conversely, even if the purchased apartment is located in a speculative or overheated speculative area, a lease loan is possible as long as it is less than 300 million won.
The important point here is that the price at the time of acquisition should not exceed 300 million won. In other words, since it is based on the price at the time of acquisition, there are no restrictions on executing a jeonse loan even if the price rises after acquisition and exceeds 300 million won.

If the purchased apartment is located in a regulated or non-regulated area, if the apartment price exceeds 900 million won, the lease loan will be recovered and a new lease loan cannot be obtained.
Conversely, this means that you can get a jeonse loan as long as the amount does not exceed 900 million won. This is also based on the price at the time of acquisition.
Above, I only explained the details about the apartment. This is because villas, not apartments, are not subject to regulation.
In addition, since pre-sale rights are not subject to regulation before occupancy, you can receive a lease loan if you purchase a pre-sale right or villa regardless of the region.
Apart from the conditions above, if you meet the three requirements, you can receive a jeonse loan regardless of the area and price of the apartment you purchased. If you meet all of the conditions below, strategically taking out a jeonse loan is a good option.

As part of the real estate market regulations, the limit on rental deposits for single homeowners is also regulated. At this time, the limit amount varies from institution to institution, so please check in advance.

[Good article to read together]

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