서울시 희망두배 청년통장 신청 및 조건 Application and conditions for Seoul City Hope Double Youth Account

Today, we will learn about the application and conditions for the Seoul City Hope Double Youth Account. Hope Double Youth Passbook is a policy that helps young people in Seoul become economically independent. The Seoul Metropolitan Government provides support equal to the amount saved over a certain period of time to help build assets.

희망두배 청년통장

희망두배 청년통장

The ‘Double Hope Youth Account’ provides opportunities to young people aged 18 to 34 living in Seoul, and we encourage those who are eligible to apply.

Double Hope Youth Passbook

Hope Double Youth Passbook is an asset formation support project that helps working young people save a lump sum and become financially independent. If you save 150,000 won per month for 2 or 3 years, you will receive an amount equal to the amount saved through the Seoul Metropolitan Government and its sponsorship.

Hope Double youth bank account support amount

Category Remarks Personal savings 150,000 won – Bank interest paid separately
– Matching support amount not accumulated for non-payment month
– Early cancellation and differential payment of matching support when transferring to another city. Marketing support amount: KRW 150,000. Total reserve: KRW 7.2 million for 2 years. KRW 10.8 million for 3 years.

Apply for website

Apply until 18:00 on the application deadline.

Apply on the Seoul City Asset Formation Support Project website

Community center reception

Reception hours: 09:00 ~ 18:00

How to check the local community center: Enter your residential address on the street name address site and check the local community center information.

Application qualifications

18 to 34 years old residing in Seoul

Have worked for more than 3 months in the past year (1 month is recognized when working for 10 days or more) or are currently working for more than 3 months

Your monthly average pre-tax earned income is 2.55 million won or less (base period: 2023. 6. 1. ~ 2024. 5. 31.)

Required Documents

Membership application form

Consent to provide personal information

Social security benefit application (change) form

Consent to provide financial information

Proof of employment: Document confirming employment for more than 3 months

If you have a history of signing up for the 4 major insurance policies

Confirmation of Health Insurance Qualification Gain or Loss

Employment Insurance Qualification History Statement

Industrial Accident Insurance Qualification History Statement

Proof of employment (employment period and name of business must be stated for recognition)

Employment/Industrial Accident Insurance Daily Work Statement (issued by Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service)

Related inquiries

Call Center: 1688 – 1453

Website: Seoul Welfare Foundation Asset Formation Support Project 1:1 Inquiry Bulletin Board

Instagram: account.welfare.seoul.kr


Today, we learned about the application and conditions for the Seoul City Hope Double Youth Account. Please check whether you are eligible to apply, and if you are eligible, please apply. You can also sign up for the Youth Hope Savings Savings Account. However, please note that duplicate subscriptions to the Tomorrow Filling Deduction are not possible.

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