피부미용 위생교육 Korea Skin Beauty Industry Hygiene Education

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After 2022, those who have completed training will log in with their existing ID and register for training and take courses. New educators will register for training and take courses after signing up as a member.
Address: 5th floor, 60 Changjeon-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul (ZIP code) 04098 (Gusu-dong, Seogang Building)
President of Korea Federation of Skin and Beauty Associations: Soo-kyung Cho
Business registration: 108-82-06944 | Phone: 02-586-7343-4
COPYRIGHT © 2022 Cyber ​​Hygiene Education Korea Federation of Skin and Beauty Society ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Korea Federation of Skin and Aesthetics Association hygiene education
Address: 5th floor, 60 Changjeon-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul (ZIP code) 04098 (Gusu-dong, Seogang Building)
President of Korea Federation of Skin and Beauty Associations: Soo-kyung Cho
Business registration: 108-82-06944 | Phone: 02-586-7343-4
COPYRIGHT © 2022 Cyber ​​Hygiene Education Korea Federation of Skin and Beauty Society ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

피부미용 위생교육
