피부관리사 자격증 How to obtain a skin care technician certification

The skin therapist certification is a national certification required to work in the skin care and beauty field.

Let’s take a look at what fields skin care certification is used for and how to obtain it, which is now a subject of great interest not only for women but also for men. 피부관리사 자격증

피부관리사 자격증

Check Certification Exam Schedule
Skin care technician certification 로이야
Skin care is an important field in the public health field that is directly related to the health of the people, and demand is increasing as the national industrial structure shifts from manufacturing to service industry in the future.

In line with the trend of beauty being segmented and specialized by field such as hair, skin care, and makeup, we established a qualification system for skin care to train professionals in the skin care field and protect the health and wellness of the people.

Skin care technician certification
How to obtain a skin care technician certification
Acquired through self-study
People who have good understanding or excellent manual skills seem to be able to acquire many skills through self-study.

If you do everything on your own, there will be less information, but it seems to be the result of more effort.

Graduated from beauty-related department
If you graduate from a beauty-related department at a cyber university or general university, you will be given a comprehensive beauty certificate, not a skin care technician certificate.

A skin care technician certification can only be used in waxing or a skin shop, but a comprehensive beauty certification can be used in all beauty fields, including hair, nails, makeup, and eyelashes, as well as skin care certification.

However, since you must graduate from college, the downside is that it takes a very long time to obtain the certificate.

Skin care technician certification
Acquired with government funding
Government support seems to be the most preferred case.

This is a way to obtain a certificate by using the Tomorrow Learning Card to get a discount on lecture fees through government funding.

For more detailed information, please refer to the link below.

✅ Obtain certification with government funding
Skin care technician certification exam
The skin care technician certification exam is divided into two parts: a written exam and a practical exam.

written test
anatomy physiology
skin care equipment
Public Health Management
You will pass if you score 60 or more points out of 100 in the 60 multiple-choice questions for the above subjects.

Practical test
The practical test involves actually testing skin care practices on a model, and is evaluated and graded by a supervisor.

A score of 60 or more out of 100 is considered passing.

Skin care technician certification
Difficulty level of skin care technician certification
You can easily pass the written exam by simply solving and memorizing questions from the booklet within the scope of the exam, including questions from previous years. However, in the case of practical exams, no matter how many times you follow the manual techniques, you often fail due to various situations, such as the proctor’s tendency or a puncture in the practice model.

The combination with the accompanying model is important, and a lot of caution is required when creating a management chart, such as carefully checking precautions and using management tools well.

Skin care technician certification
Skin care technician certification cost
For this exam, the written test application fee is 14,500 won and the practical test application fee is 27,300 won. This is the cost for taking the certification exam, and other model recruitment costs and remodeling costs are separate.

Skin care technician certification
Skin care technician certification conclusion
As robots are replacing more fields now and in the future, I believe that beauty-related occupations are one of the occupations that cannot be replaced by robots.

While many jobs are disappearing or being eliminated, the beauty-related industry is increasing every year and developing day by day. It may be a red ocean, but on the other hand, there is nothing that is not a red ocean. I think what’s important is how I can develop myself further.