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Today we will learn about Freelife Customer Center. Please note that you will need it when signing up for the Free Life mutual aid service, or for members who are already using it, when inquiring about automatic transfers, payments, funeral registration, cancellation, refunds, etc.

프리드라이프 고객센터

프리드라이프 고객센터

Free Life is the best mutual aid company in Korea that has been leading the domestic mutual aid industry, ranking first in total assets and first in the consumer satisfaction index for the first time in the mutual aid industry.It is a total life service system that contains the meaning of preparing in advance for the life of a precious person. Preed life is a compound word of preed and preed life.

Free Life Customer Center

Freelife Customer Center phone number is 1588-3740. Counselor contact hours are from 9:00 AM to 18:00 PM on weekdays, and are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.

Freelife Customer Center Phone Number: 1588-3740 / 1588-8204

Consultation hours: 09:00 ~ 18:00 (Funeral registration available 24 hours a day)

Go to ARS speed dial number

No. 1: 24-hour funeral reception and funeral inquiries

No. 2: Consultation on signing up for mutual aid products

No. 3: Customer Information Center

No. 4: Connect to a counselor

👇 Go to Free Life (Android)

Free life service

Freelife provides funeral services, wedding services, tour services, corporate services, and a variety of other services such as weddings, 60th birthdays, 70th birthdays, and funerals. When inquiring about membership, please leave contact information where you can be contacted on the website, or call Freelife’s mutual aid phone number at 1588-3740 to receive guidance on membership from a professional counselor.

Freelife cancellation refund

Since the principal amount of the Free Life cancellation refund is not guaranteed, it may be difficult to receive a 100% refund. We recommend that you check the cancellation refund amount first before canceling.

For cancellation refunds, please check the refund table on your subscription certificate. If you would like to check in more detail, you can inquire through customer service.

If you cancel at maturity after making full payment, a 100% refund is possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a frequently asked questions menu on the Freelife website. If you use this menu, you can view the questions and answers frequently asked by customers and resolve your inquiries. Please refer to this menu.

How to contact Freelife Mutual Aid Customer Center

You can consult online by calling 1588-3740 or visiting the official website.

Materials required when applying for cancellation

A cancellation application form, a copy of your bankbook, and a copy of your ID card are required, and additional information may be required during consultation.

How to receive cancellation refund

You can receive a cancellation refund by checking your payment details on the official website and submitting an application form, a copy of your bankbook, and a copy of your ID card.


Today, we learned about Freelife customer center phone number, service, and cancellation. Due to the nature of the mutual aid service, even if it is not needed right now, it is a service that will be of great help later. However, unlike general insurance or savings, the cancellation refund may be different, so please be fully aware of this.

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